Getting Started


Wheezy Validation requires python version 2.4 to 2.7 or 3.2+. It is independent of operating system. You can install it from pypi site using setuptools:

$ easy_install wheezy.validation

If you are using virtualenv:

$ virtualenv env
$ env/bin/easy_install wheezy.validation


You can get the source code using mercurial:

$ hg clone
$ cd wheezy.validation

Prepare virtualenv environment in env directory

$ make env

... and run all tests:

$ make test

You can read how to compile from source code different versions of python in the article published on mind reference blog.

You can run certain make targets with specific python version. Here we are going to run doctest with python3.2:

$ make env doctest-cover VERSION=3.2

Generate documentation with sphinx:

$ make doc

If you run into any issue or have comments, go ahead and add on bitbucket.

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