Source code for wheezy.http.functional

""" ``functional`` module.
import re

from wheezy.core.benchmark import Benchmark
from wheezy.core.benchmark import Timer
from wheezy.core.collections import attrdict
from wheezy.core.collections import defaultdict
from wheezy.core.comp import json_loads
from wheezy.core.comp import urlsplit
from wheezy.http.comp import BytesIO
from wheezy.http.comp import PY3
from wheezy.http.comp import SimpleCookie
from wheezy.http.comp import b
from wheezy.http.comp import ntob
from wheezy.http.comp import urlencode

RE_FORMS = re.compile(r'<form.*?</form>', re.DOTALL)
    'REMOTE_ADDR': '',
    'SCRIPT_NAME': '',
    'SERVER_NAME': 'localhost',
    'SERVER_PORT': '8080',

    'HTTP_HOST': 'localhost:8080',
    'HTTP_USER_AGENT': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686)',
    'HTTP_ACCEPT': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,'
    'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE': 'en-us,en;q=0.5',
    'HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET': 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7',

    'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http'

class PageMixin(object):
[docs] """ Page form submit use case. """ def form(self):
[docs] """ Concrete page can override this method to provide form location. """ return self.client.form def submit(self, **kwargs):
[docs] """ Submits page with given `kwargs` as form params. Returns any form errors found. If form is not found returns None. """ form = self.form() form.update(kwargs) self.client.submit(form) form = self.form() if form is None: return None return form.errors() def ajax_submit(self, **kwargs):
[docs] """ Submits page via AJAX with given `kwargs` as form params. Returns HTTP status code. """ form = self.form() form.update(kwargs) return self.client.ajax_submit(form) class BenchmarkMixin(object): # pragma: nocover
[docs] """ Benchmark test case helper. """ def benchmark(self, targets, number=1000):
[docs] """ Setup benchmark for given `targets` with timing set at WSGI application entry point. """ return Benchmark(targets, number, timer=Timer(self.client, 'application')) class WSGIClient(object):
[docs] """ WSGI client simulates WSGI requests in order to accomplish functional testing for any WSGI application. """ def __init__(self, application, environ=None): self.application = application self.environ = dict(DEFAULT_ENVIRON) if environ is not None: self.environ.update(environ) self.cookies = {} self.__content = None self.__forms = None self.__json = None @property def content(self):
[docs] """ Return content of the response. Applies decodes response stream. """ if self.__content is None: self.__content = (b('').join( [c for c in self.response])).decode('utf-8') return self.__content @property
def json(self):
[docs] """ Returns a json response. """ if self.__json is None: assert 'application/json' in self.headers['Content-Type'][0] self.__json = json_loads(self.content, object_hook=attrdict) return self.__json @property
def forms(self):
[docs] """ All forms found in content. """ if self.__forms is None: form_target = FormTarget() html_parser = HTMLParserAdapter(form_target) for form in RE_FORMS.findall(self.content): html_parser.feed(form) self.__forms = form_target.forms return self.__forms @property
def form(self):
[docs] """ First form or empty one. """ return self.forms and self.forms[0] or Form() def form_by(self, predicate=None, **kwargs):
[docs] """ Search a form by `predicate` or form attribute exact match:: client.form_by(action='/en/signin') client.form_by(lambda attrs: 'signin' in attrs.get('action', '')) """ if not predicate: def predicate(attrs): for name in kwargs: if kwargs[name] == attrs.get(name): return True return False for form in self.forms: if predicate(form.attrs): return form return None def get(self, path=None, **kwargs):
[docs] """ Issue GET HTTP request to WSGI application. """ return self.go(path, method='GET', **kwargs) def ajax_get(self, path=None, **kwargs):
[docs] """ Issue GET HTTP AJAX request to WSGI application. """ return self.ajax_go(path, method='GET', **kwargs) def head(self, path=None, **kwargs):
[docs] """ Issue HEAD HTTP request to WSGI application. """ return self.go(path, method='HEAD', **kwargs) def post(self, path=None, **kwargs):
[docs] """ Issue POST HTTP request to WSGI application. """ return self.go(path, method='POST', **kwargs) def ajax_post(self, path=None, **kwargs):
[docs] """ Issue POST HTTP AJAX request to WSGI application. """ return self.ajax_go(path, method='POST', **kwargs) def submit(self, form=None, environ=None):
[docs] """ Submits given form. Takes ``action`` and ``method`` form attributes into account. """ form = form or self.form path = form.attrs.get('action') method = form.attrs.get('method', 'GET').upper() return self.go(path, method, form.params, environ) def ajax_submit(self, form=None, environ=None):
[docs] """ Submits given form. Takes ``action`` and ``method`` form attributes into account. """ environ = environ or {} environ['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] = 'XMLHttpRequest' return self.submit(form, environ) def follow(self):
[docs] """ Follows HTTP redirect (e.g. status code 302). """ sc = self.status_code assert sc in [207, 301, 302, 303, 307] location = self.headers['Location'][0] scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(location) environ = { 'wsgi.url_scheme': scheme, 'HTTP_HOST': netloc, 'PATH_INFO': path, 'QUERY_STRING': query } method = sc == 307 and self.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] or 'GET' return self.go(None, method, None, environ) def ajax_go(self, path=None, method='GET', params=None,
environ=None, content_type='', stream=None, content=''): environ = environ or {} environ['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] = 'XMLHttpRequest' return path, method, params, environ, content_type, stream, content)) def go(self, *args, **kwargs):
[docs] """ Simulate valid request to WSGI application. """ return*args, **kwargs)) def build_environ(self, path=None, method='GET', params=None,
[docs] environ=None, content_type='', stream=None, content=''): """ Builds WSGI environment. The ``content_type`` takes priority over ``params`` to use ``stream`` or ``content``. """ environ = environ and dict(self.environ, **environ) or self.environ if path: if '?' in path: path, query_string = path.split('?', 1) else: query_string = '' else: path = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '/') query_string = environ.get('QUERY_STRING', '') content_length = '' if content_type: if stream: start = stream.tell(), 2) end = stream.tell() content_length = str(end - start) else: content = content.encode('utf-8') content_length = str(len(content)) stream = BytesIO(content) elif params: content = urlencode([(k, v.encode('utf-8')) for k in params for v in params[k]]) if method == 'GET': query_string = query_string and ( query_string + '&' + content) or content stream = EMPTY_STREAM else: content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' content = ntob(content, 'utf-8') content_length = str(len(content)) stream = BytesIO(content) environ.update({ 'REQUEST_METHOD': method, 'PATH_INFO': path, 'QUERY_STRING': query_string, 'CONTENT_TYPE': content_type, 'CONTENT_LENGTH': content_length, 'wsgi.input': stream }) if self.cookies: environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] = '; '.join( '%s=%s' % cookie for cookie in self.cookies.items()) elif 'HTTP_COOKIE' in environ: del environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] return environ def run(self, environ):
[docs] """ Calls WSGI application with given environ. """ self.__content = None self.__forms = None self.__json = None self.status_code = 0 self.headers = defaultdict(list) self.response = [] def start_response(status, headers): self.status_code = int(status.split(' ', 1)[0]) h = self.headers for name, value in headers: h[name].append(value) return self.response.append result = self.application(environ, start_response) try: self.response.extend(result) finally: if hasattr(result, 'close'): # pragma: nocover result.close() for cookie_string in self.headers['Set-Cookie']: cookies = SimpleCookie(cookie_string) for name in cookies: value = cookies[name].value if value: self.cookies[name] = value elif name in self.cookies: del self.cookies[name] return self.status_code class Form(object):
[docs] """ Form class represent HTML form. It stores form tag attributes, params that can be used in form submission as well as related HTML elements. """ def __init__(self, attrs=None): self.__dict__['attrs'] = attrs or {} self.__dict__['params'] = defaultdict(list) self.__dict__['elements'] = defaultdict(dict) def __getitem__(self, name): return self.params[name] def __getattr__(self, name): value = self.params[name] return value and value[0] or '' def __setattr__(self, name, value): self.params[name] = [value] def errors(self, css_class='error'): elements = self.elements return [name for name in sorted(elements.keys()) if css_class in elements[name].get('class', '')] def update(self, params): for name, value in params.items(): if isinstance(value, list): self.params[name] = value else: self.params[name] = [value] class FormTarget(object):
[docs] """ FormTarget finds forms and elements like input, select, etc. """ def __init__(self): self.forms = [] self.pending = [] self.lasttag = None def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): self.lasttag = tag if tag == 'input': attrs = dict(attrs) if 'name' in attrs: element_type = attrs.get('type') if element_type == 'submit': return name = attrs.pop('name') form = self.forms[-1] form.elements[name] = attrs if element_type == 'checkbox' and 'checked' not in attrs: return form.params[name].append(attrs.pop('value', '')) elif tag == 'option': attrs = dict(attrs) if 'selected' in attrs: name = self.pending[-1] self.forms[-1].params[name].append(attrs.pop('value', '')) elif tag == 'form': self.forms.append(Form(dict(attrs))) elif tag in ('select', 'textarea'): attrs = dict(attrs) if 'name' in attrs: name = attrs.pop('name') self.forms[-1].elements[name] = attrs self.pending.append(name) def handle_endtag(self, tag): if self.pending and tag in ('select', 'textarea'): del self.pending[-1] def handle_data(self, data): if self.pending and self.lasttag == 'textarea': form = self.forms[-1] name = self.pending.pop() form.params[name].append(data) try: # pragma: nocover
from lxml.etree import HTMLParser from lxml.etree import fromstring class HTMLParserAdapter(object): def __init__(self, target): self.start = target.handle_starttag self.end = target.handle_endtag = target.handle_data self.parser = HTMLParser(target=self) def comment(self, text): pass def close(self): pass def feed(self, content): fromstring(content, parser=self.parser) except ImportError: # pragma: nocover if PY3: # pragma: nocover from html.parser import HTMLParser else: # pragma: nocover from HTMLParser import HTMLParser # noqa class HTMLParserAdapter(HTMLParser): def __init__(self, target): self.strict = True self.reset() = target self.handle_starttag = target.handle_starttag self.handle_endtag = target.handle_endtag self.handle_startendtag = target.handle_starttag self.handle_data = target.handle_data EMPTY_STREAM = BytesIO(b(''))