Source code for wheezy.http.cacheprofile

""" ``cacheprofile`` module.

from datetime import datetime
from time import time

from wheezy.core.datetime import format_http_datetime
from wheezy.core.datetime import total_seconds
from wheezy.http.cachepolicy import HTTPCachePolicy

    'none': 'no-cache',
    'server': 'no-cache',
    'client': 'private',
    'both': 'private',  # server and client
    'public': 'public',

utcfromtimestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp

class CacheProfile(object):
[docs] """ Combines a number of setting applicable to http cache policy as well as server side cache. """ def __init__(self, location, duration=0, no_store=False, vary_query=None, vary_form=None, vary_environ=None, vary_cookies=None, http_vary=None, http_max_age=None, etag_func=None, namespace=None, enabled=True): """ Initializes cache profile. """ assert location in SUPPORTED if enabled: if location in ('none', 'client'): self.request_vary = None else: self.namespace = namespace self.request_vary = RequestVary( query=vary_query, form=vary_form, cookies=vary_cookies, environ=vary_environ ) cacheability = CACHEABILITY[location] if location in ('none', 'server'): policy = HTTPCachePolicy( cacheability ) if no_store: policy.no_store() self.etag_func = None self.cache_policy = lambda: policy else: self.etag_func = etag_func self.http_vary = http_vary self.cache_policy = self.client_policy self.cacheability = cacheability self.no_store = no_store if location != 'none': duration = total_seconds(duration) if not duration > 0: raise ValueError('Invalid duration.') self.duration = duration if http_max_age is None: self.http_max_age = duration else: self.http_max_age = total_seconds(http_max_age) self.enabled = enabled def cache_policy(self):
[docs] """ Returns cache policy according to this cache profile. Defaults to ``None`` and substituted depending on profile strategy. """ return None def client_policy(self):
[docs] """ Returns ``private`` or ``public`` http cache policy depending on cache profile selected. """ policy = HTTPCachePolicy( self.cacheability ) if self.no_store: policy.no_store() now = int(time()) if self.http_max_age: policy.last_modified(utcfromtimestamp(now)) policy.expires(utcfromtimestamp(now + self.http_max_age)) policy.max_age_delta = self.http_max_age else: now = utcfromtimestamp(now) policy.modified = now now = format_http_datetime(now) policy.http_last_modified = now policy.http_expires = now policy.max_age_delta = 0 if self.http_vary is not None: policy.vary(*self.http_vary) return policy class RequestVary(object):
[docs] """ Designed to compose a key depending on number of values, including: query, form, environ. """ def __init__(self, query=None, form=None, cookies=None, environ=None): parts = [] if query: self.query = tuple(sorted(query)) parts.append(self.key_query) if form: self.form = tuple(sorted(form)) parts.append(self.key_form) if cookies: self.cookies = tuple(sorted(cookies)) parts.append(self.key_cookies) if environ: self.environ = tuple(sorted(environ)) parts.append(self.key_environ) if parts: parts.insert(0, self.request_key) self.vary_parts = tuple(parts) else: self.key = self.request_key def request_key(self, request):
[docs] """ Key by method and PATH_INFO. """ return request.method[:1] + request.environ['PATH_INFO'] def key_query(self, request):
[docs] """ Key by query. """ query = request.query return 'Q' + ''.join([ (name in query) and ('N' + ';'.join(query[name])) or 'X' for name in self.query]) def key_form(self, request):
[docs] """ Key by form. """ form = request.form return 'F' + ''.join([ (name in form) and ('N' + ';'.join(form[name])) or 'X' for name in self.form]) def key_cookies(self, request):
[docs] """ Key by cookies. """ cookies = request.cookies return 'C' + ''.join([ (name in cookies) and ('N' + (cookies[name] or '')) or 'X' for name in self.cookies]) def key_environ(self, request):
[docs] """ Key by environ. """ environ = request.environ return 'E' + ''.join([ (name in environ) and ('N' + (environ[name] or '')) or 'X' for name in self.environ]) def key(self, request):
[docs] """ Key by various strategies. """ return ''.join([vary(request) for vary in self.vary_parts]) none_cache_profile = CacheProfile('none', no_store=True)