Source code for wheezy.html.utils

""" ``utils`` module.

from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime

from wheezy.html.comp import str_type

def escape_html(s):
    """ Escapes a string so it is valid within HTML. Converts `None`
        to an empty string. Raises TypeError is `s` is not a string
        or unicode object.

        >>> html_escape(None)

        >>> escape_html('&<>"\\'')
    if s is None:
        return ''
        return s.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;').replace(
            '>', '&gt;').replace('"', '&quot;')
    except AttributeError:
        raise TypeError("expected string or unicode object, "
                        "%s found" % s.__class__.__name__)
escape_html_native = escape_html

    from wheezy.html.boost import escape_html
    html_escape = escape_html
except ImportError:  # pragma: nocover
    html_escape = escape_html

def html_id(name):
    return name.replace('_', '-')

def format_value(value, format_spec=None, format_provider=None):
[docs] """ Formats widget value. ``format_provider`` - a callable of the following form:: def my_formatter(value, format_spec): return value_formatted >>> str(format_value(date(2012, 2, 6), '%m-%d-%y')) '02-06-12' >>> format_value(date(2012, 2, 6), ... format_provider=lambda value, ignore: ... value.strftime('%m-%d-%y')) '02-06-12' >>> list(map(str, format_value([1, 2, 7]))) ['1', '2', '7'] >>> format_value([]) () If format provider is unknown apply str_type. >>> str(format_value({})) '{}' """ # TODO: probably there is better check since attribute check for # __iter__ is not valid in python 3.2, str support it. if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): try: if format_provider is None: formatter_name = type(value[0]).__name__ format_provider = format_providers[formatter_name] return tuple(format_provider(item, format_spec) for item in value) except IndexError: return tuple([]) else: if format_provider is None: formatter_name = type(value).__name__ if formatter_name in format_providers: format_provider = format_providers[formatter_name] else: return str_type(value) return format_provider(value, format_spec) def str_format_provider(value, format_spec):
return str_type(value) min_date = date(1900, 1, 1) min_datetime = datetime(1900, 1, 1) def date_format_provider(value, format_spec=None):
[docs] """ Default format provider for ````. Requires year >= 1900, otherwise returns an empty string. >>> date_format_provider(date.min) '' >>> date_format_provider(min_date) '1900/01/01' >>> date_format_provider(date(2012, 2, 6)) '2012/02/06' """ if value < min_date: return '' # Python 2.4, 2.5 # TypeError: strftime() argument 1 must be str, not unicode return value.strftime(str(format_spec or '%Y/%m/%d')) def datetime_format_provider(value, format_spec=None):
[docs] """ Default format provider for ``datetime.datetime``. Requires year >= 1900, otherwise returns an empty string. >>> datetime_format_provider(datetime.min) '' >>> datetime_format_provider(min_datetime) '1900/01/01 00:00' >>> datetime_format_provider(datetime(2012, 2, 6, 15, 17)) '2012/02/06 15:17' """ if value < min_datetime: return '' # Python 2.4, 2.5 # TypeError: strftime() argument 1 must be str, not unicode return value.strftime(str(format_spec or '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')) format_providers = {
'str': lambda value, format_spec: html_escape(str_type(value)), 'unicode': lambda value, format_spec: html_escape(value), 'int': str_format_provider, 'Decimal': str_format_provider, 'bool': str_format_provider, 'float': str_format_provider, 'date': date_format_provider, 'time': lambda value, format_spec: value.strftime( str(format_spec or '%H:%M')), 'datetime': datetime_format_provider, 'NoneType': lambda value, format_spec: '' }