Source code for wheezy.core.url

""" ``url`` module

from wheezy.core.comp import urlunsplit

[docs]def urlparts(parts=None, scheme=None, netloc=None, path=None, query=None, fragment=None): """ Factory function for :py:class:`~wheezy.core.url.UrlParts` that create an instance :py:class:`~wheezy.core.url.UrlParts` with partial content. ``parts`` must be a 5-tuple: (scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment) >>> from wheezy.core.comp import urlsplit >>> parts = urlsplit('') >>> urlparts(parts) urlparts('http', '', '/dev/peps/pep-3333', '', '') >>> urlparts(scheme='https', path='/test') urlparts('https', None, '/test', None, None) Otherwise raise assertion error >>> urlparts(('https', )) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: ... """ if not parts: parts = (scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment) return UrlParts(parts)
[docs]class UrlParts(tuple): """ Concrete class for :func:`urlparse.urlsplit` results. """ def __init__(self, parts): assert len(parts) == 5, '`parts` must be a tupple of length 6' super(UrlParts, self).__init__() def __repr__(self): return 'urlparts' + super(UrlParts, self).__repr__()
[docs] def geturl(self): """ Return the re-combined version of the original URL as a string. >>> from wheezy.core.comp import urlsplit >>> parts = urlsplit('') >>> parts = urlparts(parts) >>> parts.geturl() '' """ return urlunsplit(self)
[docs] def join(self, other): """ Joins with another ``UrlParts`` instance by taking none-empty values from ``other``. Returns new ``UrlParts`` instance. Query and Fragment parts are taken unconditionally from ``other``. >>> from wheezy.core.comp import urlsplit >>> parts = urlsplit('') >>> parts = urlparts(parts) >>> parts = parts.join(urlparts(scheme='https', path='/test')) >>> parts.geturl() '' """ parts = ( other[0] or self[0], other[1] or self[1], other[2] or self[2], other[3], other[4]) return UrlParts(parts)