
We start with a simple example. Before we proceed let’s setup a virtualenv environment:

$ virtualenv env
$ env/bin/easy_install wheezy.caching

Playing Around

We are going create a number of items, add them to cache, try to get them back, establish dependency and finally invalidate all together:

from wheezy.caching import MemoryCache as Cache
from wheezy.caching import CacheDependency

cache = Cache()

# Add a single item
cache.add('k1', 1)

# Add few more
cache.add_multi({'k2': 2, 'k3': 3})

# Get a single item

# Get several at once
cache.get_multi(['k1', 'k2', 'k3'])

# Establish dependency somewhere in code place A
dependency = CacheDependency('master-key')
dependency.add(cache, 'k1')

# Establish dependency somewhere in code place B
dependency.add_multi(cache, ['k1', 'k2', 'k3'])

# Invalidate dependency somewhere in code place C

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