Source code for weblayer.wsgi

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" :py:mod:`weblayer.wsgi` provides :py:class:`WSGIApplication`, an
  implementation of :py:class:`~weblayer.interfaces.IWSGIApplication` that
  adapts :py:class:`~weblayer.interfaces.ISettings` and an 
      >>> settings = {}
      >>> path_router = object()
  To provide a callable `WSGI`_ application::
      >>> application = WSGIApplication(settings, path_router)
  .. _`WSGI`:

__all__ = [

from zope.component import adapts
from zope.interface import implements

from base import Request, Response
from interfaces import IPathRouter, ISettings, IWSGIApplication

[docs]class WSGIApplication(object): adapts(ISettings, IPathRouter) implements(IWSGIApplication) def __init__( self, settings, path_router, request_class=None, response_class=None, default_content_type='text/html; charset=UTF-8' ): """ """ self._settings = settings self._path_router = path_router if request_class is None: self._Request = Request else: self._Request = request_class if response_class is None: self._Response = Response else: self._Response = response_class self._content_type = default_content_type
[docs] def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """ Checks ``self._path_router`` for a :py:meth:`~weblayer.interfaces.IPathRouter.match` against the incoming :py:attr:`~weblayer.interfaces.IRequest.path`:: handler_class, args, kwargs = self._path_router.match(request.path) If ``handler_class`` is not ``None``, instantiates the :py:class:`~weblayer.interfaces.IRequestHandler`:: handler = handler_class(request, response, self._settings) And calls it with ``environ['REQUEST_METHOD']`` and the ``args`` and ``kwargs`` from :py:meth:`~weblayer.interfaces.IPathRouter.match`:: response = handler(environ['REQUEST_METHOD'], *args, **kwargs) .. note:: If calling the handler errors (which is shouldn't normally do, as the handler *should* catch the error), returns a minimalist 500 response. .. note:: If no match is found, returns a minimalist 404 response. To handle 404 responses more elegantly, define a catch all URL handler. """ request = self._Request(environ) response = self._Response( request=request, status=200, content_type=self._content_type ) handler_class, args, kwargs = self._path_router.match(request.path) if handler_class is not None: handler = handler_class(request, response, self._settings) try: # handler *should* catch all exceptions response = handler(environ['REQUEST_METHOD'], *args, **kwargs) except Exception: # unless deliberately bubbling them up if environ.get('paste.throw_errors', False): raise else: response.status = 500 else: # to handle 404 nicely, define a catch all url handler response.status = 404 return response(environ, start_response)