Source code for weblayer.route

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" :py:mod:`weblayer.route` provides :py:class:`RegExpPathRouter`, an 
  implementation of :py:class:`~weblayer.interfaces.IPathRouter` that uses
  `regular expression`_ patterns.  Say, for example, you have some request
      >>> class DummyIndex(object):
      ...     implements(IRequestHandler)
      >>> class Dummy404(object):
      ...     implements(IRequestHandler)
  You can then map request paths to them using a list of two item tuples::
      >>> mapping = [(
      ...         # string or compiled regexp pattern to match
      ...         # against the request path
      ...         r'/',
      ...         # class the request should be handled by
      ...         DummyIndex
      ...     ), (
      ...         r'/(.*)',
      ...         Dummy404
      ...     )
      ... ]
      >>> path_router = RegExpPathRouter(mapping)
  And use the path router to get handlers for request paths::
      >>> path_router.match('/') == (DummyIndex, (), {})
  Returning the handler and the match groups if any::
      >>> path_router.match('/foobar') == (Dummy404, ('foobar',), {})
  The mapping items are looked up in order::
      >>> mapping.reverse()
      >>> path_router = RegExpPathRouter(mapping)
      >>> path_router.match('/') == (Dummy404, ('',), {})
  If the path doesn't match, returns ``(None, None, None)``::
      >>> path_router = RegExpPathRouter([])
      >>> path_router.match('/')
      (None, None, None)
  .. _`regular expression`:

__all__ = [

import re

from zope.interface import implements

from interfaces import IPathRouter, IRequestHandler

_RE_TYPE = type(re.compile(r''))
def _compile_top_and_tailed(string_or_compiled_pattern):
    """ If ``string_or_compiled_pattern`` is a compiled pattern,
      just return it::
          >>> p = r'^foobar$'
          >>> c = re.compile(p)
          >>> _compile_top_and_tailed(c) == c
      Otherwise if it's a ``basestring`` compile and return it::
          >>> _compile_top_and_tailed(p) == c
          >>> _compile_top_and_tailed({})
          Traceback (most recent call last):
          TypeError: `{}` must be string or compiled pattern
      Prepending ``'^'`` if ``pattern`` doesn't already start with it::
          >>> p2 = r'foobar$'
          >>> _compile_top_and_tailed(p2) == c
      Appending ``'$'`` if it doesn't already start with it::
          >>> p3 = r'^foobar'
          >>> _compile_top_and_tailed(p3) == c
    if isinstance(string_or_compiled_pattern, _RE_TYPE):
        return string_or_compiled_pattern
    s = string_or_compiled_pattern
    if not isinstance(s, basestring):
        error_msg = u'`%s` must be string or compiled pattern' % s
        raise TypeError(error_msg)
    if not s.startswith('^'):
        s = r'^%s' % s
    if not s.endswith('$'):
        s = r'%s$' % s
    return re.compile(s)

[docs]class RegExpPathRouter(object): """ Routes paths to request handlers using regexp patterns. """ implements(IPathRouter) def __init__(self, raw_mapping, compile_=None): """ Takes a list of raw regular expressions mapped to request handler classes, compiles the regular expressions and provides ``self._mapping``. >>> from mock import Mock >>> mock_compile = Mock() >>> mock_compile.return_value = re.compile(r'^/foo$') >>> class MockHandler(object): ... implements(IRequestHandler) ... >>> raw_mapping = [( ... r'/foo', ... MockHandler ... ) ... ] >>> path_router = RegExpPathRouter( ... raw_mapping, ... compile_=mock_compile ... ) >>> isinstance(path_router._mapping, list) True >>> isinstance(path_router._mapping[0], tuple) True >>> path_router._mapping[0][1] == MockHandler True The first item of each pair is passed to ``compile()``:: >>> mock_compile.call_args[0][0] == r'/foo' True >>> path_router._mapping[0][0] == mock_compile.return_value True As long as ``raw_mapping`` can be unpacked into pairs of items:: >>> raw_mapping = [('a')] >>> RegExpPathRouter(raw_mapping) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack And the second item implements :py:class:`~weblayer.interfaces.IRequestHandler`:: >>> RegExpPathRouter([(r'/foo', Mock)]) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: `<class ... must implement ....IRequestHandler>` """ compile_ = compile_ is None and _compile_top_and_tailed or compile_ self._mapping = [] for regexp, handler_class in raw_mapping: if not IRequestHandler.implementedBy(handler_class): error_msg = u'`%s` must implement `%s`' % ( handler_class, IRequestHandler ) raise TypeError(error_msg) self._mapping.append((compile_(regexp), handler_class))
[docs] def match(self, path): """ If the ``path`` matches, return the handler class, the `regular expression`_ match object's `groups`_ (as ``args`` to pass to the handler) and an empty dict (as ``kwargs`` to pass to the handler), as per:: >>> path_router = RegExpPathRouter([]) >>> handler_class, args, kwargs = path_router.match('/foo') Otherwise return ``(None, None, None)``. .. _`regular expression`: .. _`groups`: """ for regexp, handler_class in self._mapping: match = regexp.match(path) if match: return handler_class, match.groups(), {} return None, None, None