Source code for weblayer.auth

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" :py:mod:`weblayer.auth` provides :py:class:`TrivialAuthenticationManager`,
  an implementation of :py:class:`~weblayer.interfaces.IAuthenticationManager`.
  The implementation is deliberately trivial as it's envisaged that a bespoke 
  application that requires authentication will:
  * use WSGI middleware (for example `AuthKit`_ or `repoze.who`_) to handle
    authentication; and / or
  * override the :py:class:`~weblayer.interfaces.IAuthenticationManager`
    implementation to work with the individual application's persistence and
    caching layers.
  .. _`AuthKit`:
  .. _`repoze.who`:

__all__ = [

from zope.component import adapts
from zope.interface import implements

from interfaces import IRequest, IAuthenticationManager

[docs]class TrivialAuthenticationManager(object): """ A very simple :py:class:`~weblayer.interfaces.IAuthenticationManager` implementation that uses the `webob.Request`_ ``request.remote_user`` attribute which, under the `WebOb`_ hood, is derived from ``request.environ['REMOTE_USER']``, which is `the standard place`_ for authentication middleware to put a user id. :py:class:`TrivialAuthenticationManager` is thus perfectly usable in many cases with ``is_authenticated`` returning ``True`` or ``False`` appropriately and ``current_user`` returning a user id if present. .. _`webob`: .. _`webob.request`: .. _`the standard place`: """ adapts(IRequest) implements(IAuthenticationManager) def __init__(self, request): self.request = request @property
[docs] def is_authenticated(self): """ Is there a ``remote_user`` in the request? >>> from mock import Mock >>> request = Mock() If ``remote_user`` is ``None``, returns ``False``:: >>> request.remote_user = None >>> am = TrivialAuthenticationManager(request) >>> am.is_authenticated False Otherwise returns ``True``:: >>> request.remote_user = 'foo' >>> am = TrivialAuthenticationManager(request) >>> am.is_authenticated True """ return self.request.remote_user is not None
[docs] def current_user(self): """ Returns ``request.remote_user``:: >>> from mock import Mock >>> request = Mock() >>> request.remote_user = 'joe' >>> am = TrivialAuthenticationManager(request) >>> am.current_user 'joe' """ return self.request.remote_user