Forms and POST requests ======================= Let's add a simple form for creating new people, at the bottom of ``nodes/people/index.mak``: .. code-block:: mako [...]
<%! from warp.helpers import url %>

Create a person:

Birthdate: (YYYY-MM-DD)

The only new thing here is the ``url`` helper, which just spits out a URL for the given ``node`` and ``facet`` (and ``args``, if given). Now we need to write the ``create`` facet, to actually create the person. We could of course just ``POST`` to the index page, and look for form values in the Mako template there. But that's a little messy, and can lead to bugs when a page is refreshed. So instead, we'll write a pure Python facet to create the person, and then redirect the user to the new person's ``view`` facet. A POST Handler Facet -------------------- In ``nodes/people/``, add: .. code-block:: python from datetime import datetime from warp.runtime import store from warp.helpers import url from models import Person def render_create(request): name = request.args["name"][0].decode("utf-8") birthdateStr = request.args["birthdate"][0] year, month, day = birthdateStr.split('-') birthdate = datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day)) person = Person() = name person.birthdate = birthdate store.add(person) store.commit() request.redirect(url(request.node, "view", [])) return "Redirecting..." Now you should be able to fill in the form on the ``index`` page, and create a new ``Person``. Error Handling -------------- Let's add a little bit of (very lazy) error handling to that form processing code: .. code-block:: python from datetime import datetime from warp.runtime import store from warp.helpers import url, renderLocalTemplate from models import Person def render_create(request): name = request.args["name"][0] birthdateStr = request.args["birthdate"][0] try: name = name.decode("utf-8") if not name: raise ValueError("You must provide a name.") year, month, day = birthdateStr.split('-') birthdate = datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day)) except Exception, e: return renderLocalTemplate(request, "index.mak", error=e, name=name, birthdate=birthdateStr) person = Person() = name person.birthdate = birthdate store.add(person) store.commit() request.redirect(url(request.node, "view", [])) return "Redirecting..." Here we just catch anything that goes wrong in the argument munging. Then we use Warp's ``renderLocalTemplate`` helper to re-render the index page. Note that we don't have to give it the built-in variables like ``node``, ``facet``, and ``store`` -- the helper adds those for you. Back in ``nodes/people/index.mak``, we'll change the form to read like this: .. code-block:: mako
% if error:
Error: ${error | h}
% endif <%! from warp.helpers import url %>

Create a person:

Birthdate: (YYYY-MM-DD)

This will display the error if there is one, and repopulate our two fields with whatever the user gave before. Wasn't that boring? Fortunately, you don't actually have to write any of this for your regular CRUD -- Warp can help. Next: :doc:`tut_crud`.