Serializers ======================= .. py:module:: vlermv.serializers Serializers specify how Python objects should be saved to disk and how files from disk should be read as Python objects. Components of a serializer ---------------------------- A serializer is a Python object with the following methods. .. py:module:: vlermv.serializers.hypothetical_serializer .. py:function:: dump(obj, fp) -> None Write the object :py:obj:`obj` to the file pointer :py:obj:`fp`. .. py:function:: load(fp) -> obj Represent the file pointer :py:obj:`fp` as an object :py:obj:`obj`. It optionally includes two boolean properties. .. py:attribute:: binary_mode Should binary modes be used for opening file pointers? Default is :py:const:`False`. If this is :py:const:`True`, pointers will be opened like this. :: open(filename, 'rb') open(filename, 'wb') If it is :py:const:`False`, pointers will be opened like this. :: open(filename, 'r') open(filename, 'w') .. py:attribute:: cache_exceptions Is caching of exceptions is supported? Default is :py:const:`True`. This is relevant when the serializer is used with :py:func:`~vlermv.Vlermv.memoize`. If :py:attr:`vermv_cache_exceptions` is :py:const:`False` but :py:class:`~vlermv.Vlermv` is initialized with ``cache_exceptions = True``, an exception is raised. What exactly is :py:obj:`obj`? -------------------------- The :py:obj:`obj` that is referenced in the above function signatures is manipulated if you enable the caching of exceptions. (Exception caching is disabled by default.) Default behavior ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If :py:class:`~vlermv.Vlermv` is initialized with ``cache_exceptions = False``, :py:obj:`obj` is simply the object that was passed to :py:func:`vlermv.Vlermv.__setitem__`. This is the default; in the following example :py:obj:`obj` is :py:obj:`8`. :: Vlermv('/tmp/a')['b'] = 8 And in the following case, :py:obj:`obj` is :py:obj:`103`. :: @Vlermv.memoize(cache_exceptions = False) def f(x): return x + 3 f(100) # <- Returns 103 :py:obj:`cache_exceptions` is :py:const:`False` by default, so the following block is the same as the previous one. :: @cache() def f(x): return x + 3 f(100) # <- Returns 103 If exception caching is enabled ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You probably want to set :py:obj:`cache_exceptions` only if you are using the :py:func:`~vlermv.Vlermv.memoize` decorator, as it doesn't do anything otherwise. If :py:obj:`cache_exceptions` is :py:const:`True`, :py:obj:`obj` is a tuple of :py:obj:`(exception, result)`, where :py:obj:`result` is the result of the decorated function. (If :py:obj:`cache_exceptions` is :py:const:`False`, :py:obj:`obj` is simply :py:obj:`result`.) :py:obj:`exception` is :py:const:`None` if the function ran without error, and :py:obj:`result` is :py:const:`None` if there was an error. Consider the function :py:func:`g` below. :: @cache(cache_exceptions = True) def g(x): return x + 3 It is just like the :py:func:`f` we saw before except with exception caching enabled. If we call it like we called :py:func:`f` before, :: g(100) # returns 103 then :py:obj:`obj` is :py:func:`(None, 103)`. This is because the value :py:func:`103` is returned without error. The following :py:func:`g` call, on the other hand, produces an error, :: >>> g('one hundred') TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly In this case, :py:func:`obj` looks like this. :: (TypeError("Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly"), None) If exception caching had been disabled, the serializer would never have gotten called; the error would have been raised but not saved. Example serializers --------------------- The :py:mod:`json` module is a valid serializer, :: import json and so is :py:func:`simple_identity`. :: class simple_identity: @staticmethod def dump(obj, fp): fp.write(obj) @staticmethod def load(fp): return binary_mode = True cache_exceptions = False On the other hand, :py:mod:`pickle` does not function properly as a serializer. :: import pickle This is because pickle requires that file pointers be opened in binary mode rather than string mode; the Vlermv's default :py:data:`~vlermv.serializers.pickle` serializer thus has to set :py:attr:`binary_mode` to :py:const:`True`. .. literalinclude:: ../vlermv/serializers/ Serializers included with Vlermv ------------------------------------ .. py:currentmodule:: vlermv.serializers The following serializers are included. .. py:data:: identity_str Write raw :py:class:`strings ` to files. .. py:data:: identity_bytes Write raw :py:class:`bytes` to files. .. py:data:: pickle Serialize with :py:mod:`pickle`. .. py:data:: html Serialize HTML trees from `lxml `_. .. py:data:: xml Serialize XML etrees from `lxml `_.