Vlermv ================================== .. py:module:: vlermv Vlermv provides a dictionary-like object that is associated with a particular directory on your computer. Here's an introduction in one line of shell and five lines of Python. Install from PyPI. :: pip install vlermv Then call :py:class:`vlermv.Vlermv` like this. :: from vlermv import Vlermv like_a_dictionary = Vlermv('a-directory') Now you can mostly pretend that :py:obj:`like_a_dictionary` is a :py:class:`dict`, except that it will persist across Python session. Alternatively, you can cache a function's results with :py:func:`vlermv.Vlermv.memoize`. :: @Vlermv.memoize() def f(x): return x + 8 Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg; Vlermv has many other features that you may read about below. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 solutions vlermv cache archive serializers transformers acid recipes history .. * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`