Source code for vizic.astroleaflet

from traitlets import *
from ipywidgets import *
from .leaflet import Map, RasterLayer, Layer
import pymongo as pmg
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import uuid
import json
import requests
from notebook.utils import url_path_join
from .utils import cut_tree, get_mst, get_m_index, get_vert_bbox

[docs]class AstroMap(Map): """The map class, in charge of the overall operations. AstroMap extends the ``Map`` class from ``ipyleaflet`` with added rich features to display and interact with visualized astronomical catalogs and custom overlays. Note: Class attribute ``center`` is always in the form of ``[lat, lng]``. Keyword Args: zoom(int): Initial zoom for the map. Defaults to 1. max_zoom(int): Allowd maximum zoom level for the map. Defaults to 12. position_control(bool): Whether to show projected mouse position on the left bottom corner of the map window. Defaults to True. fullscreen_control(bool): Whether to allow full screen mode. Defaults to True. """ @default('layout') def _default_layout(self): return Layout(height='512px', width='512px') inertia = Bool(False).tag(sync=True, o=True) scroll_wheel_zoom = Bool(True).tag(sync=True, o=True) wheel_debounce_time = Int(60).tag(sync=True, o=True) wheel_px_per_zoom_level = Int(60).tag(sync=True, o=True) zoom = Int(1).tag(sync=True, o=True) max_zoom = Int(12).tag(sync=True, o=True) position_control = Bool(True).tag(sync=True, o=True) fullscreen_control = Bool(True).tag(sync=True, o=True) fade_animation = Bool(True).tag(sync=True, o=True) _des_crs = List(help='Coordinate system specification').tag(sync=True) pan_loc = List(help='Target coordinate for panning').tag(sync=True) selection = Bool(False, help='Lasso-like selection status(on/off)').tag(sync=True) s_bounds = List(help='LatLngBounds for selection tool').tag(sync=True) # pan_ready = Bool(False).tag(sync=True)
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Args: **kwargs: Optional arguments for map settings. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if self.default_tiles is not None: self.default_tiles._map = self self._des_crs = self.default_tiles._des_crs self.max_zoom = self.default_tiles.max_zoom if == [0.0, 0.0]: = self.default_tiles.visible = True
[docs] def add_layer(self, layer): """Add layer to map. Args: layer: layer object to be added to the map. """ if layer.model_id in self.layer_ids: raise LayerException('layer already on map: %r' % layer) layer._map = self if isinstance(layer, GridLayer): self._des_crs = layer._des_crs self.max_zoom = layer.max_zoom = self.layers = tuple([l for l in self.layers] + [layer]) layer.visible = True
[docs] def remove_layer(self, layer): """Remove layer from map. Args: layer: layer object to be removed from the map. """ if layer.model_id not in self.layer_ids: raise LayerException('layer not on map: %r' % layer) # if isinstance(layer, GridLayer): # self._des_crs = [0, 0, 1, 1] self.layers = tuple([l for l in self.layers if l.model_id != layer.model_id]) layer.visible = False
[docs] def clear_layers(self): """Remove all existing layers from map.""" self.layers = ()
[docs] def center_map(self): """Reset the zoom and location of the map.""" center = [] try: center.append(self._des_crs[0]+128*self._des_crs[2]) center.append(self._des_crs[1]-128*self._des_crs[3]) self.fly_to(center, 1) except: print('No base tiles added!')
[docs] def fly_to(self, lnglat, zoom): """Set view of the map to a specified zoom and location. Args: lnglat: A list containing the RA and DEC for target locations. zoom: An integer representing the target zoom level. """ latlng = [lnglat[1],lnglat[0]] latlng.append(zoom) self.pan_loc = latlng self.pan_loc = []
[docs]class GridLayer(RasterLayer): """Base tilelayer class for hosting visualized catalogs. Keyword Args: df: A pandas dataframe where the data to be visualized is stored. min_zoom(int): Minimum zoom level for the tileLayer. Defaults to 0. max_zoom(int): Maximum zoom level for the tileLayer. Defaults to 8. collection(str): The name for the MongoDB documents collection that stores pre-ingested data. color(str): Preset color for visualized objects. Defaults to red. df_rad(int): The raidus of the circles representing objects in the catalog when size information is provided. Defaults to 2. scale_r(float): A float number indicating the scaling ratio for visualized objects. Defaults to 1.0. """ _view_name = Unicode('LeafletGridLayerView').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('LeafletGridLayerModel').tag(sync=True) bottom = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) _des_crs = List().tag(Sync=True) df = Instance(pd.DataFrame, allow_none=True) min_zoom = Int(0).tag(sync=True, o=True) max_zoom = Int(8).tag(sync=True, o=True) # tile_size = Int(256).tag(sync=True, o=True) detect_retina = Bool(False).tag(sync=True, o=True) collection = Unicode().tag(sync=True, o=True) x_range = Float(1.0).tag(sync=True, o=True) y_range = Float(1.0).tag(sync=True, o=True) color = Unicode('red').tag(sync=True, o=True) # color object by property value custom_c = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) c_min_max = List().tag(sync=True) c_field = Unicode().tag(sync=True) c_map = Int(1).tag(sync=True) radius = Bool(False).tag(sync=True, o=True) point = Bool(False).tag(sync=True, o=True) df_rad = Int(2).tag(sync=True, o=True) scale_r = Float(1.0).tag(sync=True, o=True) # filter by property range filter_obj = Bool(False, help="Fileter object by property value range").tag(sync=True) filter_property = Unicode(help="The proerty field used to sort objects").tag(sync=True) filter_range = List().tag(sync=True) center = List().tag(sync=True) obj_catalog = Instance(pd.Series, allow_none=True) __minMax = {} _popup_callbacks = Instance(CallbackDispatcher, ()) @observe('custom_c') def _update_color_src(self, change): if change['new'] is True and self.c_field in self.get_fields(): self.c_min_max = self.__minMax[self.c_field] else: self.c_min_max = [] @observe('c_field') def _update_c_min_max(self, change): if self.custom_c is True and self.c_field in self.get_fields(): self.c_min_max = self.__minMax[change['new']] elif self.custom_c is False: pass else: raise Exception('Color Field ({}) not valid!'.format(self.c_field)) self.c_field = change['old'] # return proposal['value'] @observe('filter_obj') def _update_filter(self, change): if change['new'] is True and self.filter_property in self.get_fields(): self.filter_range = self.__minMax[self.filter_property] elif change['new'] is False: self.filter_range = [] # self.filter_property = '' @observe('filter_property') def _update_property(self, change): if self.filter_obj is True and self.filter_property in self.get_fields(): self.filter_range = self.__minMax[change['new']] elif self.filter_property not in self.get_fields(): self.filter_property = ''
[docs] def __init__(self, connection, coll_name=None, **kwargs): """ Args: connection: A wrapper for MongoDB connections. coll_name(str): The collection name for a new catalog to be ingested into the database. Default is None. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) try: self.db = connection.db except: raise Exception('Mongodb connection error! Check connection object!') self.coll_name = coll_name self._server_url = connection._url self._checkInput() self.push_data(self._server_url) self._popup_callbacks.register_callback(self._query_obj, remove=False) self.on_msg(self._handle_leaflet_event) print('Mongodb collection name is {}'.format(self.collection))
def _checkInput(self): """Check data source. If a string specifying the collection name for stored catalog is given in the instructor, the catalog metadata will be retrived from the database and assigned to the GridLayer object. If a pandas dataframe containing the catalog is provided in the instructor, the catalog will be formated and ingested into the database using provided ``coll_name`` or a randomly generated string by ``uuid``. """ if not self.collection == '': meta = self.db[self.collection].find_one({'_id': 'meta'}) self._des_crs = meta['adjust'] self.x_range = meta['xRange'] self.y_range = meta['yRange'] self.__minMax = meta['minmax'] (self.radius,self.point) = (meta['radius'], meta['point']) self.db_maxZoom = int(meta['maxZoom']) if self.max_zoom > int(meta['maxZoom']): self.max_zoom = int(meta['maxZoom']) elif self.df is not None: clms = [x.upper() for x in list(self.df.columns)] exist_colls = self.db.collection_names() if not set(['RA', 'DEC']).issubset(set(clms)): raise Exception("RA, DEC is required for visualization!") if not set(['A_IMAGE', 'B_IMAGE', 'THETA_IMAGE']).issubset(set(clms)): print('No shape information provided') if 'RADIUS' in clms: print('Will use radius for filtering!') self.radius = True else: print('Object as point, slow performance!') self.point = True if self.coll_name is not None and self.coll_name in exist_colls: raise Exception('Collectoin name already exists, try to use a different name or remove the df argument.') df_r, self._des_crs = self._data_prep(self.max_zoom, self.df) self.x_range = self._des_crs[2]*256 self.y_range = self._des_crs[3]*256 self.db_maxZoom = self.max_zoom self._insert_data(df_r) else: raise Exception('Need to provide a collection name or a pandas dataframe!') def _data_prep(self, zoom, df): """Private method for formatting catalog. Metadata for catalog provided in a pandas dataframe is extracted here. Corresponding tile ID for each object in the catalog is caculated and inserted into the dataframe, so as the mapped coordinates and shapes/sizes for the objects. Args: zoom: An integer indicating the maximum zoom level for visualized catalog. df: A pandas dataframe containning the catalog. Returns: A new pandas dataframe with added columns and a list specifying the coordinate scale. """ dff = df.copy() dff.columns = [x.upper() for x in dff.columns] (xMax, xMin) = (dff['RA'].max(), dff['RA'].min()) (yMax, yMin) = (dff['DEC'].max(), dff['DEC'].min()) scaleMax = 2**int(zoom) x_range = xMax - xMin y_range = yMax - yMin # find field min and max for col in dff.columns: if dff[col].dtype.kind == 'f': self.__minMax[col] = [dff[col].min(), dff[col].max()] dff['tile_x'] = ((dff.RA-xMin)*scaleMax/x_range).apply(np.floor).astype(int) dff['tile_y'] = ((yMax-dff.DEC)*scaleMax/y_range).apply(np.floor).astype(int) if self.radius: dff.loc[:, 'b'] = dff.loc[:, 'RADIUS'].apply(lambda x: x*0.267/3600) dff['theta'] = 0 elif self.point: dff['b'] = 360 dff['theta'] = 0 else: dff.loc[:, 'a'] = dff.loc[:, 'A_IMAGE'].apply(lambda x: x*0.267/3600) dff.loc[:, 'b'] = dff.loc[:, 'B_IMAGE'].apply(lambda x: x*0.267/3600) dff.loc[:, 'theta'] = dff.loc[:, 'THETA_IMAGE'] dff['ra'] = dff['RA'] dff['dec'] = dff['DEC'] # dff['zoom'] = int(zoom) xScale = x_range/256 yScale = y_range/256 return dff, [xMin, yMax, xScale, yScale] def _insert_data(self, df): """Private method to insert a catalog into database. Args: df: A pandas dataframe with correctly formatted catalog. """ if self.coll_name is not None: self.collection = self.coll_name if self.collection == '': coll_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.collection = coll_id data_d = df.to_dict(orient='records') coll = self.db[self.collection] coll.insert_many(data_d, ordered=False) coll.insert_one({'_id': 'meta', 'adjust': self._des_crs, 'xRange': self.x_range, 'yRange': self.y_range, 'minmax': self.__minMax, 'maxZoom':self.max_zoom,'radius':self.radius,'point':self.point}) bulk = coll.initialize_unordered_bulk_op() bulk.find({'_id':{'$ne':'meta'}}).update({'$rename':{'ra':'loc.lng'}}) bulk.find({'_id':{'$ne':'meta'}}).update({'$rename':{'dec':''}}) try: result = bulk.execute() except: print(result) coll.create_index([('loc', pmg.GEO2D)], name='geo_loc_2d', min=-90, max=360) coll.create_index([('RA', pmg.ASCENDING),('DEC', pmg.ASCENDING)], name='ra_dec') coll.create_index([('tile_x', pmg.ASCENDING),('tile_y', pmg.ASCENDING)], name='tile_x_y')
[docs] def push_data(self, url): """Update server extension with newly displayed catalog. Send basic information of this tileLayer using Rest API to the server for directing data request from the front-end. Args: url(str): The Jupyter server address. """ # The center is required, don't remove = [self._des_crs[1]-self.y_range/2, self._des_crs[0]+self.x_range/2] mRange = (self.x_range + self.y_range)/2 body = { 'collection': self.collection, 'mrange': mRange, 'maxzoom': self.db_maxZoom } push_url = url_path_join(url, '/rangeinfo/') req =, data=body)
def _handle_leaflet_event(self, _, content, buffers): """Handle leaflet events trigged.""" if content.get('event', '') == 'popup: click': self._popup_callbacks(**content) def _query_obj(self, **kwargs): """Query database for clicked object.""" body = {'coll': self.collection,'RA': kwargs['RA'], 'DEC': kwargs['DEC']} popup_url = url_path_join(self._server_url, '/objectPop/') result = requests.get(popup_url, data=body) pop_dict = json.loads(result.text[1:-1]) self.obj_catalog = pd.Series(pop_dict)
[docs] def get_fields(self): """Return float properties in the catalog.""" return self.__minMax.keys()
[docs] def get_min_max(self, field): """Return the min/max value in specified catalog property. Args: field: The name of the specified property. Raises: Exception: If the provided property is not a float property or such a property doesn't exist in the catalog. """ field = field.upper() if field in list(self.get_fields()): return self.__minMax[field] else: raise Exception('Error: {} not in database!'.format(field))
def _query_selection(self): """Query selected objects. Query the databaes for enclosed objects by the selection bound at the frond-end. The query result is parsed into a pandas dataframe and assigned to ``select_data`` attribute. """ selection_url = url_path_join(self._server_url, '/selection/') if self._map.s_bounds != []: bounds = self._map.s_bounds body = { 'coll': self.collection, 'swlng': bounds[0], 'swlat': bounds[2], 'nelng': bounds[1], 'nelat': bounds[3], } res = requests.get(selection_url, data=body) selection_dict = json.loads(res.text) self.select_data = pd.DataFrame(selection_dict) else: print('bounds for selection is empty')
[docs]class VoronoiLayer(Layer): """Voronoi Diagram Layer. Using the catalog data displayed by the GridLayer to compute and display Voronoi Diagram. Keyword Args: color(str): Color for the overlayed diagram. Defaults to #88b21c. svg_zoom(int): Initial zoom for projecting the Voronoi diagram onto the screen. The higher the zoom the better the resolution and accuracy. Defaults to 5. """ _view_name = Unicode('LeafletVoronoiLayerView').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('LeafletVoronoiLayerModel').tag(sync=True) voronoi_url = Unicode().tag(sync=True) visible = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) color = Unicode('#88b21c', help='Color of the links').tag(sync=True, o=True) svg_zoom = Int(5, help='initial zoom for projection').tag(sync=True, o=True)
[docs] def __init__(self, gridLayer, **kwargs): """ Args: gridLayer: A gridLayer instance. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Raises: Exception: If the gridLayer object doesn't have a connected database. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) try: self.db = gridLayer.db except: raise Exception('Mongodb connection error! Check connection object!') self._server_url = gridLayer._server_url self.voronoi_url = url_path_join(self._server_url, '/voronoi/{}.json'.format(gridLayer.collection))
[docs]class DelaunayLayer(Layer): """Delaunay Triangulation Layer. Using the catalog data displayed by the GridLayer to compute and display Delaunay Triangulation. Keyword Args: color(str): Color for the overlayed Triangulation. Defaults to blue. svg_zoom(int): Initial zoom for projecting the Delaunay triangulation onto the screen. The higher the zoom the better the resolution and accuracy. Defaults to 5. """ _view_name = Unicode('LeafletDelaunayLayerView').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('LeafletDelaunayLayerModel').tag(sync=True) delaunay_url = Unicode().tag(sync=True) visible = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) color = Unicode('blue').tag(sync=True, o=True) svg_zoom = Int(5).tag(sync=True, o=True)
[docs] def __init__(self, gridLayer, **kwargs): """ Args: gridLayer: A gridLayer instance. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Raises: Exception: If the gridLayer object doesn't have a connected database. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) try: self.db = gridLayer.db except: raise Exception('Mongodb connection error! Check connection object!') self._server_url = gridLayer._server_url self.delaunay_url = url_path_join(self._server_url, '/voronoi/{}.json'.format(gridLayer.collection))
[docs]class HealpixLayer(Layer): """Healpix grid Layer. Using the catalog data displayed by a given tileLayer to compute and display Healpix pixelization grid. Keyword Args: color(str): Color for the overlayed Healpix grid. Defaults to white. svg_zoom(int): Initial zoom for projecting Healpix grid onto the screen. The higher the zoom the better the resolution and accuracy. Defaults to 5. """ _view_name = Unicode('LeafletHealpixLayerView').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('LeafletHealpixLayerModel').tag(sync=True) healpix_url = Unicode().tag(sync=True) visible = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) color = Unicode('white').tag(sync=True, o=True) svg_zoom = Int(5).tag(sync=True, o=True) #nside = Int(1024) #nest = Bool(True)
[docs] def __init__(self, gridLayer, **kwargs): """ Args: gridLayer: A gridLayer instance. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Raises: Exception: If the gridLayer object doesn't have a connected database. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) # Check for parameters regarding Healpix, i.e, nside and nest if 'nside' in kwargs: self.nside = int(kwargs["nside"]) else: self.nside = 1024 if 'nest' in kwargs: self.nest = bool(kwargs["nest"]) else: self.nest = True try: self.db = gridLayer.db except: raise Exception('Mongodb connection error! Check connection object!') # print(self.collection) if self.db['healpix'].find({'_id':gridLayer.collection}).count() < 1: self.inject_data(gridLayer) self._server_url = gridLayer._server_url self.healpix_url = url_path_join(self._server_url, '/healpix/{}.json'.format(gridLayer.collection))
[docs] def inject_data(self, gridLayer): """Import computed Healpix grid into the database""" # [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] self.bbox = [gridLayer._des_crs[0],gridLayer._des_crs[1]-gridLayer.y_range, gridLayer._des_crs[0]+gridLayer.x_range, gridLayer._des_crs[1]] all_v = get_vert_bbox(self.bbox[0], self.bbox[1], self.bbox[2], self.bbox[3], self.nside, self.nest) polys = [{'ra':x[0].tolist(), 'dec': x[1].tolist()} for x in all_v] # inject data into mongodb self.db['healpix'].insert_one({'_id':gridLayer.collection, 'data':polys})
[docs]class CirclesOverLay(Layer): """Circles overlay class. Overlay a group of circles using data provided in a pandas dataframe or a document ID for stored data in the database. Keyword Args: color(str): Color for the overlayed circles. Defaults to purple. svg_zoom(int): Initial zoom for projecting circles onto the screen. The higher the zoom the better the resolution and accuracy. Defaults to 5. df: A pandas dataframe containing the positions for the circles to be drawn. Raidus for these circles could also be specified here. raidus(int): The raidus of the circles drawn measured in pixels. Defaults to 50 pixels. cols: A list indicating the position columns name. Defauts to [``RA``, ``DEC``]. A third entry can be provided to indicate the radius column. """ _view_name = Unicode('LeafletCirclesLayerView').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('LeafletCirclesLayerModel').tag(sync=True) circles_url = Unicode().tag(sync=True) visible = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) color = Unicode('purple').tag(sync=True, o=True) svg_zoom = Int(5).tag(sync=True, o=True) df = Instance(pd.DataFrame, allow_none=True) radius = Int(50).tag(sync=True, o=True) cols = List(['RA', 'DEC'])
[docs] def __init__(self, gridLayer, name, **kwargs): """ Args: gridLayer: A gridLayer instance. name: The document ID for data stored in the database or a new user-defined ID for new data. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) try: self.db = gridLayer.db except: raise Exception('Mongodb connection error! Check connection object!') self.document_id = name if self.db['circles'].find({'_id':name}).count() < 1: if self.df is None: raise Exception('Given overlay data id does not exist, a dataframe is required.') self.inject_data(name) self._server_url = gridLayer._server_url self.circles_url = url_path_join(self._server_url, '/circles/{}.json'.format(name))
[docs] def inject_data(self, document_id): """Import data to the database""" dff = self.df.copy() dff.columns = [x.upper() for x in dff.columns] cols = [x.upper() for x in self.cols] data = dff[cols].to_dict(orient='records') coll = self.db['circles'] coll.insert_one({'_id':document_id, 'data':data})
[docs]class MstLayer(Layer): """Minimum spanning tree (MST) overlay class. Layer class for MST computed using the catalog visualized by the base tileLayer with added features to cut the tree by maximum edge length and minimum branch size (the number edges in a branch). Keyword Args: color(str): Color for the overlayed MST. Defaults to ``#0459e2``. svg_zoom(int): Initial zoom for projecting MST onto the screen. The higher the zoom the better the resolution and accuracy. Defaults to 5. """ _view_name = Unicode('LeafletMstLayerView').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('LeafletMstLayerModel').tag(sync=True) mst_url = Unicode().tag(sync=True) # cut_tree = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) max_len = Float(0.0).tag(sync=True) visible = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) color = Unicode('#0459e2').tag(sync=True, o=True) svg_zoom = Int(5).tag(sync=True, o=True) line_idx = List().tag(sync=True) _cut_count = Int(0).tag(sync=True)
[docs] def __init__(self, gridLayer, neighbors=15, **kwargs): """ Note: To speed the calculation, Vizic retains the index of non-zero element in the MST sparse matrix. Args: gridLayer: A gridLayer instance. neighbors: Vizic uses ``kneighbors_graph`` from sklearn to compute spanning trees for each set of points. The higher the number of neighbors used, the higher the precision. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Raises: Exception: If the gridLayer object doesn't have a connected database. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) try: self.db = gridLayer.db except: raise Exception('Mongodb connection error! Check connection object!') self.document_id = gridLayer.collection if self.db['mst'].find({'_id':self.document_id}).count() < 1: self.inject_data(neighbors) else: self.get_index() self._server_url = gridLayer._server_url self.mst_url = url_path_join(self._server_url, '/mst/{}.json'.format(self.document_id))
[docs] def inject_data(self, neighbors): """Calculate and import MST data into the database.""" coll = self.db[self.document_id] cur_ls = list(coll.find({'_id':{'$ne':'meta'}},{'_id':0,'RA':1,'DEC':1})) df_pos = pd.DataFrame(cur_ls) m, index = get_mst(df_pos, neighbors) self.index = index mst_lines = m.to_dict(orient='records') self.db['mst'].insert_one({'_id':self.document_id, 'tree':mst_lines})
[docs] def get_index(self): """Retrive the index of the saved MST matrix""" coll = self.db['mst'] cur_ls = list(coll.find({'_id':self.document_id})) # lines_ls = cur_ls['tree'] df_pos = pd.DataFrame(cur_ls[0]['tree']) self.index = get_m_index(df_pos)
[docs] def cut(self, length, members): """Cut the MST. Args: length(float): Maximum edge length. members(int): The minimum number of edges in each saved branch. """ self.line_idx = cut_tree(self.index, length, members) self.max_len = float(length) self._cut_count += 1
def recover(self): self.max_len = 0.0
[docs] def get_data(self): """Retrive the MST edges data from the database.""" coll = self.db['mst'] cur_ls = list(coll.find({'_id':self.document_id})) return cur_ls[0]['tree']