.. _design_principles: Design Principles ================= The vis framework has a simple design: write an ``analyzer`` to make an analytic judgment about a piece, then use the built-in ``models`` to ensure analyzers are run in the right order, with the right inputs and settings. Since music analysis is a complex task (really, a complicated complex of tasks), and the vis framework is highly abstracted, our simple design requires much explanation. Write an Analyzer ----------------- There are two types of analyzers: indexers and experimenters. Indexers take a :class:`music21.stream.Score` or the result of another indexer, perform a calculation, then produce output that can sensibly be attached to a specific moment of a piece. Indexers may be relatively simple, like the :class:`~vis.analyzers.indexers.interval.IntervalIndexer`, which accepts an index of the notes and rests in a piece and outputs an index of the intervals between all possible part pairs. Indexers may be complicated, like the :class:`~vis.analyzers.indexers.ngram.NGramIndexer`, which accepts at least one index of anything, and outputs an index of successions found therein. An indexer might tell you the scale degrees in a part, or the harmonic function of chords in a score. Experimenters always accept the result of an indexer or another experimenter, perform a culculation, then produce results that cannot be sensibly attached to a specific moment of a piece. Experimenters may be relatively simple, like the :class:`~vis.analyzers.experimenters.frequency.FrequencyExperimenter`, which accepts any index and counts the number of occurrences of unique objects found within. Experimenters may be complicated, like one that accepts the result of the :class:`FrequencyExperimenter`, then outputs a Markov transition model. The vis framework ships analyzers for various tasks, but we think most users will extend the framework with their own analyzers. Use a Model ----------- The vis framework has two data models. Use :class:`~vis.models.indexed_piece.IndexedPiece` for a single piece and :class:`~vis.models.aggregated_pieces.AggregatedPieces` for pieces as a group. In a typical application, you will write analyzers but never use them directly, and never modify but always use the models. The models know how to run analyzers on the piece or pieces they hold, how to import pieces safely and efficiently, and how to find and access metadata. In the future, the models may support storing results from analyzers in a database so they need not be recalculated for future analyses, use multiprocessing to speed up analyses on multi-core computers, or facilitate transit to and from analyzers in other languages like Haskell. We recommend you use the models to benefit from new features without modifying your programs, since they (should not) change the API. How to Start ------------ After you install the framework, we recommend you begin with the two tutorials below (refer to :ref:`make_a_new_workflow` and :ref:`use_the_workflowmanager`). When you wish to write a new analyzer, refer to the documentation and source code for the :class:`~vis.analyzers.indexers.template.TemplateIndexer` and :class:`~vis.analyzers.experimenters.template.TemplateExperimenter`. Install and Test the Framework ============================== If you want to use the ``vis`` framework, you must install it. Because the framework is not (yet?) available on the Python Package Index, you cannot use ``pip``. While this limitation may hinder deployment efforts, it makes little difference for programmers while they extend and build on the framework. We recommend using git to clone either the "master" branch from the vis GitHub repository at https://github.com/ELVIS-Project/vis. We only merge changes to the "master" branch after they are well-tested, but you may wish to use a specific version for development. We use git "tags" to mark versions. Find the name of the version tag you want to use (``visX`` for example) then choose that version with the "checkout" command: ``git checkout tags/visX``. If you installed git, but you need help to clone a repository, you may find useful information in the `git documentation <http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Basics-Getting-a-Git-Repository#Cloning-an-Existing-Repository>`_. .. important:: By default, git copies the repository into a directory called "vis." Do not rename this directory. If you do, no modules will import. After you clone the vis repository, you should install its dependencies (currently music21, pandas, and mock). We recommend you use pip for easy installation and updating. From the main vis directory, run ``pip install -r requirements.txt`` to automatically download and install the library dependencies as specified in our ``requirements.txt`` file. We also recommend you run ``pip install -r optional_requirements.txt`` to install several additional packages that improve the speed of pandas and allow additional output formats (Excel, HDF5). You may need to use ``sudo`` or ``su`` to run pip with the proper privileges. If you do not have pip installed, use your package manager (the package is probably called ``python-pip``---at least for users of Fedora, Ubuntu, and openSUSE). If you are one of those unfortunate souls who uses Windows, or worse, Mac OS X, then clearly we come from different planets. The `pip documentation <http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/installing.html>`_ may help you. To ease development tasks, we modified the relevant ``__init__.py`` files to add "one directory up" (i.e., ``..``) to the ``$PYTHONPATH`` so it is possible to import ``vis`` and its submodules from within the "vis" directory. After you install the ``vis`` framework, we recommend you run our automated tests. From the main vis directory, run ``python run_tests.py``. Python prints ``.`` for every test that passes, and a large error or warning for every test that fails. Certain versions of music21 may cause tests to fail; refer to :ref:`known_issues_and_limitations` for more information. The :class:`~vis.workflow.WorkflowManager` is not required for the framework's operation. We recommend you use the :class:`WorkflowManager` directly or as an example to write new applications. The vis framework gives you tools to answer a wide variety of musical questions. The :class:`WorkflowManager` uses the framework to answer specific questions. Please refer to :ref:`use_the_workflowmanager` for more information. If you will not use the :class:`WorkflowManager`, we recommend you delete it: remove the ``workflow.py`` and ``other_tests/test_workflow.py`` files. Install R and ggplot2 for Graphs -------------------------------- If you wish to produce graphs with the VIS Framework, you must install an R interpreter and the "ggplot2" library. We use the version 3.0.x series of R. If you use a "Windows" or "OS X" computer, download a pre-compiled binary from http://cran.r-project.org. If you use a "Linux" computer (or "BSD," etc.), check your package manager for R 3.0.x. You may have a problem if you search for "R," since it is a common letter, so we recommend you assume the package is called "R" and try to search only if that does not work. If your distribution does not provide an R binary, or provides an older version than 3.0.0, install R from source code: http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-admin.html. In all cases, if you encounter a problem, the R manuals are extensive, but require careful attention. Your distribution may provide a package for "ggplot" or "ggplot2." The following instructions work for all operating systems: #. Start R (with superuser privileges, if not on Windows). #. Run the following command to install ggplot:: install.packages("ggplot2") #. Run the following commands to test R and ggplot:: huron <- data.frame(year=1875:1972, level=as.vector(LakeHuron)) library(plyr) huron$decade <- round_any(huron$year, 10, floor) library(ggplot) h <- ggplot(huron, aes(x=year)) h + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=level-1, ymax=level+1)) Expect to see a chart like this: .. figure:: geom_ribbon-6.png :alt: Ribbon chart produced by the ggplot package in the R language. Image credit: taken from the `"ggplot2" documentation <http://docs.ggplot2.org/current/geom_ribbon.html>`_ on 26 November 2013; reused here under the GNU General Public License, version 2. Quit R. You do not need to save your workspace:: q() .. _known_issues_and_limitations: Known Issues and Limitations ============================ * Issue: music21 releases earlier than specified in our ``requirements.txt`` file may contain bugs that cause some of our automated tests to fail. We recommend you use music21 version 1.7.1 or newer. In particular, we do not recommend versions 1.5.0 or 1.6.0. * Limitation: Some symbolic music files import to a music21 object called :class:`~music21.stream.Opus`. During testing, this primarily happens with ``**kern`` files that contain multiple movements of a mass. Even though development on the vis framework is what prompted this music21 feature, and even though vis (before it was a framework) incorporated support for this feature, the framework's current design cannot deal with Opus objects. The reason for this limitation is rather straight-forward: an :class:`~vis.models.indexed_piece.IndexedPiece` object assumes it holds a pathname that refers to a single musical entity (either a movement or, for single-movement works, a piece). :class:`IndexedPiece` will only know its file imports to an :class:`Opus` object *after* importing the file, which happens during the first call to :meth:`~vis.models.indexed_piece.IndexedPiece.get_data`. There are many possible solutions, most of which are not technically challenging, but we have so far focussed on solving larger problems. * Limitation: By default, the vis framework does not use multiprocessing at all. If you install the optional packages for pandas, many of the pandas-based indexers and experimenters will use multi-threading in C. However, there are many opportunities to use multiprocessing where we have yet to do so. While we initially planned for the indexers and experimenters to use multiprocessing, we later decided that the high overhead of multiprocessing in Python means we should leave the multiprocessing implementation up to application developers---the realm of the :class:`WorkflowManager`. * Limitation: This is a point of information for users and developers concerned with counterpoint. The framework currently offers no way to sensitively process voice crossing in contrapuntal modules ("interval n-grams"). "Higher" and "lower" voices are consistently presented in score order. We have planned for several ways to deal with this situation, but the developer assigned to the task is a busy doctoral student and a novice programmer, so they have not been fully implemented yet. .. _make_a_new_workflow: Tutorial: Make a new Workflow ============================= Once you understand our framework's architecture (explained in :ref:`design_principles`), you can start to design a new workflow to ask your own queries. Develop a Question ------------------ Pretend you are me. I want to describe what distinguishes the melodic styles of two composers. I have already chosen the composers and the pieces I will use to compare them, trying to make the test sets as similar as possible except for the different composers. I want to use the vis framework, and I want to be as lazy as possible, so I will try to avoid adding new analyzers. For my preliminary investigation, I will consider only patterns of melodic motion, since all required indexers and experimenters are already included with the vis framework. The :class:`~vis.analyzers.indexers.ngram.NGramIndexer` provides vis with pattern-finding functionality, so to run my query I must consider two questions: (1) what does the :class:`NGramIndexer` need in order to find melodic patterns? and (2) how shall I aggregate the melodic patterns across pieces? After the preliminary investigation, I would make my query more useful by using the "horizontal" and "vertical" functionality of the :class:`NGramIndexer` to coordinate disparate musical elements that make up melodic identity. Writing a new :class:`Indexer` to help combine melodic intervals with the duration of the note preceding the interval would be relatively easy, since music21 knows the duration of every note. A more subtle, but possibly more informative, query would combine melodic intervals with the scale degree of the preceding note. This is a much more complicated query, since it would require an indexer to find the key at a particular moment (an extremely complicated question) and an indexer that knows the scale degree of a note. What Does the NGramIndexer Require? ----------------------------------- I start by reading and understanding the documentation for the :class:`~vis.analyzers.indexers.ngram.NGramIndexer`. This indexer's power means it can be difficult to use in subtle and unexpected ways. For this simple preliminary investigation, we need only provide the melodic intervals of every part in an :class:`IndexedPiece`. The melodic intervals will be the "vertical" events; there will be no "horizontal" events. We can change the "mark singles" and "continuer" settings any time as we please. We will probably want to try many different pattern lengths by changing the "n" setting. If we do not wish our melodic patterns to include rests, we can set "terminator" to ``[u'Rest']``. Thus the only information :class:`NGramIndexer` requires from another analyzer is the melodic intervals, produced by :class:`~vis.analyzers.indexers.HorizontalIntervalIndexer`, which will confusingly be the "vertical" event. As specified in its documentation, the :class:`HorizontalIntervalIndexer` requires the output of the :class:`~vis.analyzers.indexers.noterest.NoteRestIndexer`, which operates directly on the music21 :class:`Score`. The first part of our query looks like this: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from vis.analyzers.indexers import noterest, interval, ngram from vis.models.indexed_piece import IndexedPiece # prepare inputs and output-collectors pathnames = [list_of_pathnames_here] ind_ps = [IndexedPiece(x) for x in pathnames] interval_settings = {'quality': True} ngram_settings = {'vertical': 0, 'n': 3} # change 'n' as required ngram_results = [] # prepare for and run the NGramIndexer for piece in ind_ps: intervals = piece.get_data([noterest.NoteRestIndexer, interval.HorizontalIntervalIndexer], interval_settings) for part in intervals: ngram_results.append(piece.get_data([ngram.NGramIndexer], ngram_settings, [part]) After the imports, we start by making a list of all the pathnames to use in this query, then use a Python list comprehension to make a list of :class:`IndexedPiece` objcects for each file. We make the settings dictionaries to use for the interval then n-gram indexers on lines 7 and 8, but note we have not included all possible settings. The empty ``ngram_results`` list will store results from the :class:`NGramIndexer`. The loop started on line 12 is a little confusing: why not use an :class:`AggregatedPieces` object to run the :class:`NGramIndexer` on all pieces with a single call to :meth:`get_data`? The reason is the inner loop, started on line 14: if we run the :class:`NGramIndexer` on an :class:`IndexedPiece` once, we can only index a single part, but we want results from all parts. This is the special burden of using the :class:`NGramIndexer`, which is flexible but not (yet) intelligent. In order to index the melodic intervals in every part using the :meth:`get_data` call on line 15, we must add the nested loops. How Shall I Aggregate Results? ------------------------------ For this analysis, I will simply count the number of occurrences of each harmonic interval pattern, which is called the "frequency." It makes sense to calculate each piece separately, then combine the results across pieces. We'll use the :class:`~vis.analyzers.experimenters.frequency.FrequencyExperimenter` and :class:`~vis.analyzers.experimenters.aggregator.ColumnAggregator` experimenters for these tasks. The :class:`FrequencyExperimenter` counts the number of occurrences of every unique token in another index into a :class:`pandas.Series`, and the :class:`ColumnAggregator` combines results across a list of :class:`Series` or a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` (which it treats as a list of :class:`Series`) into a single :class:`Series`. With these modifications, our program looks like this: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from vis.analyzers.indexers import noterest, interval, ngram from vis.analyzers.experimenters import frequency, aggregator from vis.models.indexed_piece import IndexedPiece from vis.models.aggregated_pieces import AggregatedPieces from pandas import DataFrame # prepare inputs and output-collectors pathnames = [list_of_pathnames_here] ind_ps = [IndexedPiece(x) for x in pathnames] interval_settings = {'quality': True} ngram_settings = {'vertical': [0], 'n': 3} # change 'n' as required ngram_freqs = [] # prepare for and run the NGramIndexer for piece in ind_ps: intervals = piece.get_data([noterest.NoteRestIndexer, interval.HorizontalIntervalIndexer], interval_settings) for part in intervals: ngram_freqs.append(piece.get_data([ngram.NGramIndexer, frequency.FrequencyExperimenter], ngram_settings, [part])) # aggregate results of all pieces agg_p = AggregatedPieces(ind_ps) result = agg_p.get_data([aggregator.ColumnAggregator], [], {}, ngram_freqs) result = DataFrame({'Frequencies': result}) The first thing to note is that I modified the loop from the previous step by adding the :class:`FrequencyExperimenter` to the :meth:`get_data` call on line 18 that uses the :class:`NGramIndexer`. As you can see, the aggregation step is actually the easiest; it simply requires we create an :class:`AggregatedPieces` object and call its :meth:`get_data` method with the appropriate input, which is the frequency data we collected in the loop. On line 22, ``result`` holds a :class:`Series` with all the information we need! To export your data to one of the supported formats (CSV, Excel, etc.) you must create a :class:`DataFrame` and use one of the methods described in the `pandas documentation <http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/io.html>`_. The code on line 23 "converts" ``result`` into a :class:`DataFrame` by giving the :class:`Series` to the :class:`DataFrame` constructor in a dictionary. The key is the name of the column, which you can change to any value valid as a Python dictionary key. Since the :class:`Series` holds the frequencies of melodic interval patterns, it makes sense to call the column ``'Frequencies'`` in this case. You may also wish to sort the results by running ``result.sort()`` before you "convert" to a :class:`DataFrame`. You can sort in descending order (with the most common events at the top) with ``result.sort(ascending=False)``. .. _use_the_workflowmanager: Tutorial: Use the WorkflowManager ================================= The script developed in :ref:`make_a_new_workflow` is suitable for users comfortable with an interactive Python shell. Application developers making a graphical interface---whether on the Web or in a desktop application---can take advantage of a further layer of abstraction offered by our :class:`~vis.workflow.WorkflowManager`. Since developers often prefer to separate their user interface code from any of the so-called "business logic," the :class:`WorkflowManager` provides the means by which to connect the "dumb" user interface with the highly-abstracted vis framework. You can think of the :class:`WorkflowManager` as the true back-end component of your application, and you should expect to rewrite it with every application you develop. The :class:`WorkflowManager`'s documentation describes its functionality: .. autoclass:: vis.workflow.WorkflowManager :noindex: Port a Query into the WorkflowManager ------------------------------------- If I want to port the :ref:`make_a_new_workflow` query to the :class:`WorkflowManager`, I need to fit its functionality into the existing methods. The :meth:`load`, :meth:`output`, and :meth:`export` methods are all related to preparing :class:`IndexedPiece` objects for analysis and saving or outputting results. Since my query requires no special treatment in these areas, I will not modify those methods, and all of my changes will be in the :meth:`run` method. Since my new program only requires one query, I can make a very simple :meth:`run` method and remove the other hidden methods (:meth:`_intervs`, :meth:`_interval_ngrams`, :meth:`_variable_part_modules`, :meth:`_two_part_modules`, and :meth:`_all_part_modules`). Of course, you may wish to use those methods for inspiration when you build your own queries. When I add my new query's logic to the :meth:`run` method, I get this: .. code-block:: python :linenos: def run(self): ngram_settings = {'vertical': [0], 'n': self.settigns(None, 'n')} ngram_freqs = [] for i, piece in enumerate(self._data): interval_settings = {'quality': self.settings(i, 'interval quality')} intervals = piece.get_data( \ [noterest.NoteRestIndexer, interval.HorizontalIntervalIndexer], \ interval_settings) for part in intervals: ngram_freqs.append( \ piece.get_data([ngram.NGramIndexer, frequency.FrequencyExperimenter], \ ngram_settings, \ [part])) agg_p = AggregatedPieces(ind_ps) self._result = agg_p.get_data([aggregator.ColumnAggregator], [], {}, ngram_freqs) I made the following changes: * Remove the ``instruction`` parameter from :meth:`run`, since there is only one experiment. * Use the ``import`` statements at the top of the file. * Use ``self._data`` rather than building my own list of :class:`IndexedPiece` objects (in :func:`enumerate` on line 5). * Set ``interval_settings`` per-piece, and use the value from built-in :class:`WorkflowManager` settings. * Set ``n`` from the built-in :class:`WorkflowManager` settings. I could also use the :meth:`WorkflowManager.settings` method to get other settings by piece or shared across all pieces, like ``'simple intervals'``, which tells the :class:`HorizontalIntervalIndexer` whether to display all intervals as their single-octave equivalents. To run the same analysis as in :ref:`make_a_new_workflow`, use the :class:`WorkflowManager` like this: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from vis.workflow import WorkflowManager pathnames = [list_of_pathnames] work = WorkflowManager(pathnames) work.load('pieces') for i in xrange(len(work)): work.settings(i, 'quality', True) work.run() work.export('CSV', 'output_filename.csv') This script actually does more than the program in :ref:`make_a_new_workflow` because :meth:`export` "converts" the results to a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`, sorts, and outputs the results.