#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Program Name: vis
# Program Description: Helps analyze music with computers.
# Filename: models/indexed_piece.py
# Purpose: Hold the model representing an indexed and analyzed piece of music.
# Copyright (C) 2013 Christopher Antila, Jamie Klassen
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
.. codeauthor:: Jamie Klassen <michigan.j.frog@gmail.com>
.. codeauthor:: Christopher Antila <crantila@fedoraproject.org>
This model represents an indexed and analyzed piece of music.
# Imports
import os
from music21 import converter, stream
from vis.analyzers.experimenter import Experimenter
from vis.analyzers.indexer import Indexer
from vis.analyzers.indexers import noterest
def _find_piece_title(the_score):
Find the title of a score. If there is none, return the filename without an extension.
:param the_score: The score of which to find the title.
:type the_score: :class:`music21.stream.Score`
:returns: The title of the score.
:rtype: :obj:`unicode`
# First try to get the title from a Metadata object, but if it doesn't
# exist, use the filename without directory.
if the_score.metadata is not None:
post = the_score.metadata.title
elif hasattr(the_score, 'filePath'):
post = os.path.basename(the_score.filePath)
else: # if the Score was part of an Opus
post = u'Unknown Piece'
# Now check that there is no file extension. This could happen either if
# we used the filename or if music21 did a less-than-great job at the
# Metadata object.
post = os.path.splitext(post)[0]
return post
def _find_part_names(the_score):
Return a list of part names in a score. If the score does not have proper part names, return a
list of enumerated parts.
:param the_score: The score in which to find the part names.
:type the_score: :class:`music21.stream.Score`
:returns: The title of the score.
:rtype: :obj:`list` of :obj:`unicode`
# hold the list of part names
post = []
# First try to find Instrument objects. If that doesn't work, use the "id"
for each_part in the_score.parts:
instr = each_part.getInstrument()
if instr is not None and instr.partName != u'' and instr.partName is not None:
elif each_part.id is not None:
int(each_part.id) # if it worked, the part name is an integer, so use "Part X"
except ValueError:
# this is actually where we prefer to end up
# Make sure none of the part names are just numbers; if they are, use
# a part name like "Part 1" instead.
for i, part_name in enumerate(post):
if u'rename' == part_name:
post[i] = u''.join([u'Part ', unicode(i + 1)])
return post
[docs]class OpusWarning(RuntimeWarning):
The :class:`OpusWarning` is raised by :meth:`IndexedPiece.get_data` when ``known_opus`` is
``False`` but the file imports as a :class:`music21.stream.Opus` object, and when ``known_opus``
is ``True`` but the file does not import as a :class:`music21.stream.Opus` object.
Internally, the warning is actually raised by :meth:`IndexedPiece._import_score`.
[docs]class IndexedPiece(object):
Hold indexed data from a musical score.
def __init__(self, pathname, opus_id=None):
:param pathname: Pathname to the file music21 will import for this :class:`IndexedPiece`.
:type pathname: basestring
:param opus_id: The index of the :class:`Score` for this :class:`IndexedPiece`, if the file
imports as a :class:`music21.stream.Opus`.
:returns: A new :class:`IndexedPiece`.
:rtype: :class:`IndexedPiece`
def init_metadata():
Initialize valid metadata fields with a zero-length unicode.
field_list = [u'opusNumber', u'movementName', u'composer', u'number', u'anacrusis',
u'movementNumber', u'date', u'composers', u'alternativeTitle', u'title',
u'localeOfComposition', u'parts']
for field in field_list:
self._metadata[field] = u''
self._metadata[u'pathname'] = pathname
super(IndexedPiece, self).__init__()
self._imported = False
self._noterest_results = None
self._metadata = {}
self._opus_id = opus_id # if the file imports as an Opus, this is the index of the Score
def __repr__(self):
return u''.join([u'vis.models.indexed_piece.IndexedPiece(u\'',
def __str__(self):
return str(unicode(self))
def __unicode__(self):
post = [u'<IndexedPiece (']
if self._imported:
post.append(u' by ')
return u''.join(post)
def _import_score(self, known_opus=False):
Import the score to music21 format.
:param known_opus: Whether you expect the file to import as a :class:`Opus`.
:type known_opus: boolean
:returns: the score
:rtype: :class:`music21.stream.Score`
:raises: :exc:`OpusWarning` if the file imports as a :class:`music21.stream.Opus` but
``known_opus`` if ``False``, or if ``known_opus`` is ``True`` but the file does not
import as an :class:`Opus`.
score = converter.parse(self.metadata('pathname'))
if isinstance(score, stream.Opus):
if known_opus is False and self._opus_id is None:
# unexpected Opus---can't continue
raise OpusWarning(self.metadata('pathname') + u' is a music21.stream.Opus '
u'(refer to the IndexedPiece.get_data() documentation)')
elif self._opus_id is None:
# we'll make new IndexedPiece objects
score = [IndexedPiece(self.metadata('pathname'), i) for i in xrange(len(score))]
# we'll return the appropriate Score
score = score.scores[self._opus_id]
elif known_opus is True:
raise OpusWarning(u'You expected a music21.stream.Opus but ' + \
self.metadata('pathname') + u' is not an Opus '
u'(refer to the IndexedPiece.get_data() documentation)')
elif not self._imported:
for field in self._metadata:
if hasattr(score.metadata, field):
self._metadata[field] = getattr(score.metadata, field)
if self._metadata[field] is None:
self._metadata[field] = u'???'
self._metadata[u'parts'] = _find_part_names(score)
self._metadata[u'title'] = _find_piece_title(score)
self._imported = True
return score
def _get_note_rest_index(self, known_opus=False):
Return the results of the :class:`NoteRestIndexer` on this piece.
This method is used automatically by :meth:`get_data` to cache results, which avoids having
to re-import the music21 file for every Indexer or Experimenter that uses the
:param known_opus: Whether the caller knows this file will be imported as a
:class:`music21.stream.Opus` object. Refer to the "Note about Opus Objects" in the
:meth:`get_data` docs.
:type known_opus: boolean
:returns: Results of the :class:`NoteRestIndexer`.
:rtype: list of :class:`pandas.Series`
if known_opus is True:
return self._import_score(known_opus=known_opus)
elif self._noterest_results is None:
data = [x for x in self._import_score().parts]
self._noterest_results = noterest.NoteRestIndexer(data).run()
return self._noterest_results
def _type_verifier(cls_list):
Verify that all classes in the list are a subclass of :class:`vis.analyzers.indexer.Indexer`
or :class:`~vis.analyzers.experimenter.Experimenter`.
:param cls_list: A list of the classes to check.
:type cls_list: list of class
:returns: :const:`None`.
:rtype: None
:raises: :exc:`TypeError` if a class is not a subclass of :class:`Indexer` or
..note:: This is a separate function so it can be replaced with a :class:`MagicMock` in
for each_cls in cls_list:
if not issubclass(each_cls, (Indexer, Experimenter)):
raise TypeError(u'IndexedPiece requires an Indexer or Experimenter '
u'(received {})'.format(cls_list))
[docs] def get_data(self, analyzer_cls, settings=None, data=None, known_opus=False):
Get the results of an Experimenter or Indexer run on this :class:`IndexedPiece`.
:param analyzer_cls: The analyzers to run, in the order they should be run.
:type analyzer_cls: list of type
:param settings: Settings to be used with the analyzers.
:type settings: dict
:param data: Input data for the first analyzer to run. If the first indexer uses a
:class:`~music21.stream.Score`, you should leave this as :const:`None`.
:type data: list of :class:`pandas.Series` or :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
:param known_opus: Whether the caller knows this file will be imported as a
:class:`music21.stream.Opus` object. Refer to the "Note about Opus Objects" below.
:type known_opus: boolean
:returns: Results of the analyzer.
:rtype: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` or list of :class:`pandas.Series`
:raises: :exc:`TypeError` if the ``analyzer_cls`` is invalid or cannot be found.
:raises: :exc:`RuntimeError` if the first analyzer class in ``analyzer_cls`` does not use
:class:`~music21.stream.Score` objects, and ``data`` is :const:`None`.
:raises: :exc:`~vis.models.indexed_piece.OpusWarning` if the file imports as a
:class:`music21.stream.Opus` object and ``known_opus`` is ``False``.
:raises: :exc:`~vis.models.indexed_piece.OpusWarning` if ``known_opus`` is ``True`` but the
file does not import as an :class:`Opus`.
**Note about Opus Objects**
Correctly importing :class:`~music21.stream.Opus` objects is a little awkward because
we only know a file imports to an :class:`Opus` *after* we import it, but an
:class:`Opus` should be treated as multiple :class:`IndexedPiece` objects.
We recommend you handle :class:`Opus` objects like this:
#. Try to call :meth:`get_data` on the :class:`IndexedPiece`.
#. If :meth:`get_data` raises an :exc:`OpusWarning`, the file contains an :class:`Opus`.
#. Call :meth:`get_data` again with the ``known_opus`` parameter set to ``True``.
#. :meth:`get_data` will return multiple :class:`IndexedPiece` objects, each \
corresponding to a :class:`~music21.stream.Score` held in the :class:`Opus`.
#. Then call :meth:`get_data` on the new :class:`IndexedPiece` objects to get the results \
initially desired.
Refer to the source code for :meth:`vis.workflow.WorkflowManager.load` for an example
if data is None:
if analyzer_cls[0] is noterest.NoteRestIndexer:
data = self._get_note_rest_index(known_opus=known_opus)
# NB: Experimenter subclasses don't have "required_score_type"
elif hasattr(analyzer_cls[0], 'required_score_type') and \
analyzer_cls[0].required_score_type == stream.Part:
data = self._import_score(known_opus=known_opus)
data = [x for x in data.parts] # Indexers require a list of Parts
msg = u'{} is missing required data from another analyzer.'.format(analyzer_cls[0])
raise RuntimeError(msg)
if len(analyzer_cls) > 1:
if analyzer_cls[0] is noterest.NoteRestIndexer:
return self.get_data(analyzer_cls[1:], settings, data)
return self.get_data(analyzer_cls[1:], settings, analyzer_cls[0](data, settings).run())
if analyzer_cls[0] is noterest.NoteRestIndexer:
return data
return analyzer_cls[0](data, settings).run()