Source code for

import vindinium as vin
from vindinium.models import Hero, Map, Tavern, Mine

__all__ = ['Game']

[docs]class Game(object): '''Represents a game. A game object holds information about the game and is updated automatically by ``BaseBot``. Attributes: id (int): the game id. max_turns (int): maximum turns of the game (notice that each turn only a single hero moves). turn (int): current turn. map (vindinium.models.Map): a map instance. heroes (list): a list of Hero instances. mines (list): a list of Mine instances. taverns (list): a list of Tavern instances. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, state): '''Constructor. Args: state (dict): the state object. ''' # Constants = state['game']['id'] self.max_turns = state['game']['maxTurns'] # Variables self.turn = state['game']['turn'] # Processed objects = None self.heroes = [] self.mines = [] self.taverns = [] # Process the state, creating the objects self.__processState(state)
[docs] def update(self, state): '''Updates the game with new information. Notice that, this function does not re-create the objects, just update the current objects with new information. Args: state (dict): the state object. ''' size = state['game']['board']['size'] tiles = state['game']['board']['tiles'] heroes = state['game']['heroes'] for hero, hero_state in zip(self.heroes, heroes): hero.crashed = hero_state['crashed'] hero.mine_count = hero_state['mineCount'] = hero_state['gold'] = hero_state['life'] hero.last_dir = hero_state.get('lastDir') hero.x = hero_state['pos']['y'] hero.y = hero_state['pos']['x'] for mine in self.mines: char = tiles[mine.x*2 + mine.y*2*size + 1] mine.owner = None if char == '-' else int(char)
def __processState(self, state): '''Process the state.''' # helper variables board = state['game']['board'] size = board['size'] tiles = board['tiles'] tiles = [tiles[i:i+2] for i in xrange(0, len(tiles), 2)] # run through the map and update map, mines and taverns = Map(size) for y in xrange(size): for x in xrange(size): tile = tiles[y*size+x] if tile == '##':[x, y] = vin.TILE_WALL elif tile == '[]':[x, y] = vin.TILE_TAVERN self.taverns.append(Tavern(x, y)) elif tile.startswith('$'):[x, y] = vin.TILE_MINE self.mines.append(Mine(x, y)) else:[x, y] = vin.TILE_EMPTY # create heroes for hero in state['game']['heroes']: pos = hero['spawnPos'][pos['y'], pos['x']] = vin.TILE_SPAWN self.heroes.append(Hero(hero))