Integration with version control systems **************************************** About ===== Version tools supports a form of version control system integration. This code is *only* triggered for development versions of your project (indicated by setting ``releaselevel`` to something other than ``"final"``) .. note:: Currently to use :abbr:`VCS (Version Control System)` integration you *must* use the name __version__ in your variable name and you *must* define it at module level. There is some fuzzy logic that walks the traceback looking for ``__version__``. Integration plug-ins ==================== VCS integration is not hard-coded into versiontools. Instead any package that uses setuptools and provides an entry point ``versiontools.vcs_integration`` can add support for integration with additional version control systems. To see how to implement this simple API refer to the bundled plug-in for Bazaar :class:`~versiontools.bzr_support.BzrIntegration`, Git :class:`~versiontools.git_support.GitIntegration` or Mercurial :class:`~versiontools.hg_support.HgIntegration`. To make versiontools aware of additional plug-ins they need to be registered in the entry points database. To do that make sure your package uses setuptools and put the following snippet into your ````:: setup( name="foo", description="The imaginary foo version control system", entry_points=""" [versiontools.vcs_integration] foo=foo.versiontools_plugin:FooIntegration """ ) This will make versiontools look for the ``foo`` system by importing ``foo.versiontools_plugin`` and extracting the ``FooIntegration`` class. Remember that your ``foo`` package needs to be installed for this system to work. Batteries included ================== Versiontools comes with a few plug-ins for commonly used version control systems. To use them you need to have the corresponding libraries installed. They are documented below. .. note: Users of your packages will *not* need those libraries. They are most useful for the developer during project life-cycle, especially between releases, to identify tarballs easily. Bazaar ++++++ To work with Bazaar repositories you will need bzrlib. You can install it with pip or from the ubuntu package. .. note:: On Windows the typical Bazaar installation bundles both the python interpreter and a host of libraries and those libraries are not accessible by the typically-installed python interpreter. If you wish to use Bazaar on windows we would recommend to install Bazaar directly from pypi. Git +++ To work with Git repositories you will need `GitPython `_. Version 0.1.6 is sufficient to run the code. Mercurial +++++++++ To work with Mercurial repositories you will need `Mercurial `_. You can install it with pip or from the ubuntu package.