Yandex - :mod:`` ======================================== The Yandex provider combines authentication with OAuth 2.0 authorization. It requires a Yandex Application to have been created to use. Yandex Links (English): * `Yandex Services OAuth API `__ Yandex Links (Russian): * `Register a New Yandex Application `__ * `Yandex Services OAuth API `__ * `Yandex Login + OAuth API `__ Settings -------- ``consumer_key`` Yandex Application ID ``consumer_secret`` Yandex Application password POST Parameters --------------- Complete Example: .. code-block:: html
Pyramid API ----------- .. automodule:: .. autoclass:: YandexAuthenticationComplete :show-inheritance: .. autofunction:: includeme .. autofunction:: add_yandex_login .. autofunction:: add_yandex_login_from_settings