.. vectorformats documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Apr 2 14:14:14 2009. Welcome to vectorformats's documentation! ========================================= The vectorformats library is designed to make it easy to serialize content from any source to any source within Python. Think of it as a "poor man's OGR" -- a pure Python implementation of transforming features to and from various formats (largely XML based). This tool can be used as a quick way to read/write many different formats if you need to build support for reading/writing geo formats to your existing Python application. The vectorformats library is maintained as a companion to FeatureServer, and is available from `FeatureServer SVN`_. .. _`FeatureServer SVN`: http://svn.featureserver.org/trunk/vectorformats/ Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 features formats/index