0.2.0a1 (2015-08-13)¶
changes since 0.1.7 (2014-05-10)
Bug Fixes¶
- Removed previous Ensembl data; <0.3% of previous sequences were inconsistent with newer ensembl releases
- Added liftover mechanism to bootstrap new schemas from existing data
- Standardize on “NCBI” as origin name
- When RefSeq transcript exon structures differ between chromosome and patch versions, use chromosome version [0926cf34e173]
- Use explicit sequence sources when loading sequences
- Bumped schema version to 1.1 for addition of associated_accessions and tx_similarity_v
New Features¶
- New data: ensembl-79, refseq 2015-07-31
- Added RefSeq NR (non-coding) transcripts
- Added geneacs (associated accessions)
- Added transcript similarity view [40a4e734d606] with multiple similarity metrics (experimental)
- Added Change Log to documentation
- Developed and documented release flow w/tools
- Implement gene-based data subsets for testing loading
- Explicitly set cds_{start,end}_i to None when not defined in txinfo (for non-coding transcripts) [e82011d1b02c]
Other Changes¶
- Added uta subcommand and make rule to update materialized views [b1f2ef185320]
- Add load-origin from tsv file; update ensembl Makefile rules [dc421df5ef19]
- Added “mega-test” and “the-whole-kielbasa” test targets
- Added indexes to tx_def_summary_mv [c1cda1cfd4c9]
- Enforce FK relationship from exon_set.tx_ac to transcript.ac [ad5309895b5c]
- Facilitate restartability in ensembl-fetch by creating canonical gene order and batching fetches
- Standardize on schema name as uta_1_1 for dev, then rename on release
- Updated code to use new eutils [#171, d831e02f51fa]
- Update to use bioutils instead of bdi [769eea9241e4]
- Updated to use the aligner from uta-tools-align (f.k.a. locus-lib-bio) [a1f492a32f5e]