HappyDoc Generated Documentation unidist/schemagen.py

unidist / schemagen.py 


by Geoff Howland

TODO(g): Can hold and access all information in memory, and trade changes to other nodes, so all of a schema could be saved in sharedstate. This way this system can truly become a memory based DB system too. Just for kicks!

Schemagen could keep in sync with a MySQLdb, or migrate data between them, or other DBs, by loading the entire schema in RAM (or parts of it, and rotating through as requested/needed to process everything within constraints of RAM.)

This also makes schemagen a reddis/memcached-like machine, that can sync up with things. Yay! This is now also a NoSQL engine! And it COMBINES with MySQL! Best yet! :)

TODO(g): Move to it's own module, when I create it. This is just a placeholder. Messy, but whatever. The place has been held!


This document was automatically generated Tue Aug 17 15:20:25 2010 by HappyDoc version 3.1