Demonstrates how to use the stat function, logstream.find_epoch function, and Daq.etc dict of undaqTools
import os
import glob
import time
import numpy as np
import undaqTools
from undaqTools import Daq
from undaqTools.logstream import find_epochs
# in this particular example participants drove through ten passing zones. The
# order of the passing zones was counterbalanced according to this latin square.
# we want to attach this and other experiment relevant metadata to the hd5 files
# so we don't have to keep looking it up.
latin_square = \
[[0, 1, 9, 2, 8, 3, 7, 4, 6, 5],
[1, 2, 0, 3, 9, 4, 8, 5, 7, 6],
[2, 3, 1, 4, 0, 5, 9, 6, 8, 7],
[3, 4, 2, 5, 1, 6, 0, 7, 9, 8],
[4, 5, 3, 6, 2, 7, 1, 8, 0, 9],
[5, 6, 4, 7, 3, 8, 2, 9, 1, 0],
[6, 7, 5, 8, 4, 9, 3, 0, 2, 1],
[7, 8, 6, 9, 5, 0, 4, 1, 3, 2],
[8, 9, 7, 0, 6, 1, 5, 2, 4, 3],
[9, 0, 8, 1, 7, 2, 6, 3, 5, 4]]
# through the 1-mile 2-lane sections of the passing zones the wind speeds were
# manipulated using this ordering. Each was split into 1/10 mile sections
# Each zone is represented as a row. The speeds are in mph.
wind_speeds = \
[[0, 50, -100, -50, 100, 100, -50, -100, 50, 0],
[50, -50, 0, 100, -100, -100, 100, 0, -50, 50],
[-50, 100, 50, -100, 0, 0, -100, 50, 100, -50],
[100, -100, -50, 0, 50, 50, 0, -50, -100, 100],
[-100, 0, 100, 50, -50, -50, 50, 100, 0, -100],
[0, 50, -100, -50, 100, 100, -50, -100, 50, 0],
[50, -50, 0, 100, -100, -100, 100, 0, -50, 50],
[-50, 100, 50, -100, 0, 0, -100, 50, 100, -50],
[100, -100, -50, 0, 50, 50, 0, -50, -100, 100],
[-100, 0, 100, 50, -50, -50, 50, 100, 0, -100]]
def attach_metadata(hd5_file):
The Daq files have an 'etc' dict attribute inteaded for users to
store analysis relevant metadata. The etc dict can be exported to hdf5
and reloaded from hdf5. We want to go through and build these dicts so
that the information is at our fingertips when we need it.
global latin_square, wind_speeds
t0 = time.time()
tmp_file = hd5_file + '.tmp'
# load hd5
daq = Daq()
etc = {} # fill and pack in daq
# find the real participant id (pid) from the file path
etc['pid'] = int(hd5_file.split('\\')[0][4:])
etc['scen_order'] = latin_square[(etc['pid']-1)%10]
etc['wind_speeds'] = wind_speeds
# now to find the epochs
# epochs is a dictionary. The keys are the enumerated states and the
# values are FrameSlice objects. The FrameSlice objects can be used
# to slice the Elements in Daq instances.
etc['epochs'] = find_epochs(daq['SCC_LogStreams'][0,:])
daq.etc = etc # doing it this way ensures we know what is in there
# write to temporary file.
# once that completes, delete original hd5, and rename temporary file.
# This protects you from yourself. If you get impatient and kill the
# kernel there is way less risk of corrupting your hd5.
os.rename(tmp_file, hd5_file)
del daq
return time.time() - t0
if __name__ == '__main__':
# data is on a local SSD drive. This is very important for performance.
data_dir = 'C:\\LocalData\\Left Lane\\'
# change the directory of the kernel
print("Changing wd to '%s'"%data_dir)
# undaqTools.stat
# Here we are going to verify that the subject IDs on the directories
# match the subject IDs that were specified in the MiniSim. This can be
# accomplished in to ways. The first is to use undaqTools.stat to read
# the .daq files directly. This method will return namedTuple with the
# info information packed into the fields. This method is nice because
# it works with the raw data files. If your files are already converted
# you can just look at In this case our files have
# already been converted, but for example purposes...
t0 = time.time()
daq_files = tuple(glob.glob('*/*.daq'))
matches = []
print('\nfrom file from Daq Match')
for daq_file in daq_files:
# figure out subject ID from the filename path
from_fname = daq_file.split('\\')[0]
# get an undaqTools.Info instance for daq_file
info = undaqTools.stat(daq_file)
# do they match?
matches.append(from_fname == info.subject)
# some feedback
'{0.subject}'.format(info).ljust(14,' '),
if not all(matches):
print('\nWarning: Not all subject names match!')
print('\nstat-ing daqs took %.3f s'%(time.time()-t0))
# undaqTools.logstream.find_epochs
# The next thing we want to do is find the epochs or time segments of
# interest from each drive. With this particular dataset participants
# drove through ten 2-lane passing zones. The passing zones are enumerated
# in the logstream and we want to identify the frames where they start
# and end. We can do this using undaqTools.logstream.find_epochs
print('\nBuilding etc dicts...')
t0 = time.time()
hd5_files = tuple(glob.glob('*/*.hdf5'))
# this is so IO dependent that parallelizing
# the code doesn't make it any faster
for hd5_file in hd5_files:
elapsed = attach_metadata(hd5_file)
print(" processed '%s' in %.1f s"%(hd5_file, elapsed))
print('\nDone.\n\nbuilding etc dicts took %.1f s'%(time.time()-t0))
Example Output:
Changing wd to 'C:\LocalData\Left Lane\'
from file from Daq Match
Part01 Part01 True
Part02 Part02 True
Part03 Part03 True
Part04 Part04 True
Part05 Part05 True
Part06 Part06 True
Part07 Part07 True
Part08 Part08 True
Part08 Part08 True
Part09 Part200 False
Part10 Part200 False
Part11 Part11 True
Part111 Part111 True
Part12 Part12 True
Part13 Part13 True
Part14 Part14 True
Part15 Part15 True
Part16 test False
Part170 Part177 False
Part18 Part18 True
Part18 Part18_reset False
Part19 Part19 True
Warning: Not all subject names match!
stat-ing daqs took 0.1 s
Building etc dicts...
processed Part01\Left_01_20130424102744.hdf5 in 7.0 s
processed Part02\Left_02_20130425084730.hdf5 in 7.2 s
processed Part03\Left_03_20130425102301.hdf5 in 6.7 s
processed Part04\Left_04_20130425142804.hdf5 in 6.2 s
processed Part05\Left_05_20130425161122.hdf5 in 7.6 s
processed Part06\Left_06_20130426111502.hdf5 in 6.2 s
processed Part07\Left_07_20130426143846.hdf5 in 6.8 s
processed Part08\Left_08_20130426164114.hdf5 in 0.2 s
processed Part08\Left_08_20130426164301.hdf5 in 6.8 s
processed Part09\Left09_20130423155149.hdf5 in 6.2 s
processed Part10\Left10_20130423155149.hdf5 in 6.2 s
processed Part111\Left_11_20130430081052.hdf5 in 7.4 s
processed Part12\Left_12_20130429163745.hdf5 in 7.2 s
processed Part13\Left_13_20130429182923.hdf5 in 7.8 s
processed Part14\Left_14_20130430102504.hdf5 in 7.3 s
processed Part15\Left_15_20130430171947.hdf5 in 7.8 s
processed Part16\Left_16_20130501103917.hdf5 in 12.5 s
processed Part170\Left_17_20130501163745.hdf5 in 13.0 s
processed Part18\Left_18_20130502084422.hdf5 in 4.4 s
processed Part18\Left_18_reset_20130502090909.hdf5 in 9.8 s
processed Part19\Left_19_20130502153547.hdf5 in 12.6 s
building etc dicts took 157.2 s