ulif.openoffice.oooctl – A Daemon Controlling an OO.o-Server

Start/stop a locally installed OpenOffice.org server instance.

This script requires a locally installed OOo server. When running bin/buildout this script is installed as executable script oooctl.


Main script to start/stop an OOo server.

This function is called when calling bin/oooctl.

ulif.openoffice.oooctl.check_port(host, port)

Returns True if the port is open, False otherwise.

This function is non-blocking.

ulif.openoffice.oooctl.daemonize(stdout='/dev/null', stderr=None, stdin='/dev/null', pidfile=None, startmsg='started with pid %s')

Fork and daemonize a running process.

ulif.openoffice.oooctl.start(binarypath, foreground=False)

Start an instance of OpenOffice.org server on port 2002.

ulif.openoffice.oooctl.startstop(stdout='/dev/null', stderr=None, stdin='/dev/null', pidfile='pid.txt', startmsg='started with pid %s', action='start')

Start/stop a process.

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