Downloads and Quickstart guide

How to start working with the u1db Python implementation.

Getting u1db


Download the latest release from the U1DB download page.

This is the recommended version of u1db to use for your Python application.

Use from source control

u1db is maintained in bazaar in Launchpad. To fetch the latest version, bzr branch lp:u1db.

Starting u1db

>>> import u1db
>>> db ="mydb.u1db", create=True)

>>> content = {"name": "Alan Hansen"} # create a document
>>> doc = db.create_doc(content)
>>> doc.content
{'name': 'Alan Hansen'}
>>> doc.content = {"name": "Alan Hansen", "position": "defence"} # update the document's content
>>> rev = db.put_doc(doc)

>>> content = {"name": "John Barnes", "position": "defence"} # create more documents
>>> doc2 = db.create_doc(content)

>>> doc2.content["position"] = "forward"
>>> db.put_doc(doc2) 

>>> content = {"name": "Ian Rush", "position": "forward"}
>>> doc3 = db.create_doc(content)

>>> db.create_index("by-position", "position") # create an index by passing a field name

>>> results = db.get_from_index("by-position", "forward") # query that index by passing a value
>>> len(results)
>>> data = [result.content for result in results]
>>> names = [item["name"] for item in data]
>>> sorted(names)
[u'Ian Rush', u'John Barnes']

Running a server

The reference implementation comes with a command-line client and a server. The command-line client covers the basic operations on a database.

~/u1db/trunk$ ./u1db-client init-db example.u1db
~/u1db/trunk$ echo '{"key": "value"}' | ./u1db-client create example.u1db # add a document to our database
id: D-cf8a96bea58b4b5ab2ce1ab9c1bfa053
rev: f6657904254d474d9a333585928726df:1
~/u1db/trunk$ ./u1db-client get example.u1db D-cf8a96bea58b4b5ab2ce1ab9c1bfa053 # fetch it
{"key": "value"}
rev: f6657904254d474d9a333585928726df:1
~/u1db/trunk$ ./u1db-client delete example.u1db D-cf8a96bea58b4b5ab2ce1ab9c1bfa053 f6657904254d474d9a333585928726df:1 # and delete it
rev: f6657904254d474d9a333585928726df:2

~/u1db/trunk$ ./u1db-serve --verbose # run the server, and you can now use as a sync URL
listening on:

Synchronising to other databases

>>> import u1db
>>> db ="mydb", create=True)
>>> generation = db.sync("")

or from the command line

~/u1db/trunk$ ./u1db-client init-db someother.u1db
~/u1db/trunk$ ./u1db-client sync someother.u1db

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