Usage ===== Configuration ------------- To configure routing, you have to first include this package in your pyramid app: .. code-block:: python config.include('tzf.pyramid_routing') And add **routing_package** into you settings *ini* file. This setting should pinpoint the package containing routing. .. code-block:: ini [app:main] # .... routing_package = my.package.lib.routing # .... If You use routing package in other pyramid module, you need this package via normal import: .. code-block:: python from tzf.pyramid_routing import routes_from_package routes_from_package(config, 'module.lib.routing') config.commit() .. warning:: Depending on the order of including plugins, you should add config.commit() between pyramid_routing inclusion, and the other module, that uses it. Although, It doesn't give errors in all cases. Investigation is needed. Defining routes --------------- By default, routing should be defined in package's ** module and it's submodules in lists of dicts. lists should be named **routes**, and the dictionary format is the same one as pyramid's **config.add_route**'s method. ** routes definition is read as is, and for convenience, is loaded at the end. This gives the opportunity to add routes catching all possibilities: ``/{match}`` Module-defined routes will be loaded first, with module name as their prefix. If will contain: .. code-block:: python routes = [ {'name': 'blog:index', 'pattern':'/'}, {'name':'blog:show', 'pattern':'/show'}, ] **blog:index** path will be */blog/*, while **blog:show** will become /blog/show Redefining route prefix +++++++++++++++++++++++ Route prefix for routing submodules reflects the submodule name. But if you require some more fancy name (Possibly a variable, that is beeing set by default), you can do so, by defining a prefix variable on that module: .. code-block:: python prefix = '{locale}/blog' routes = [ {'name': 'blog:index', 'pattern':'/'}, {'name':'blog:show', 'pattern':'/show'}, ] **blog:index** path now will be *{locale}/blog/*, while **blog:show** will become {locale}/blog/show. Of course, the /blog part in prefix can be totally missed.