Source code for txcaching.keyregistry

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import copy
import cPickle as pickle


def _serialize(args, kwargs):
    """Serialize arguments"""

    return pickle.dumps((args, kwargs))

def _deserialize(dump):
    """Deserialize arguments"""

    return pickle.loads(dump)

[docs]def func_id(func, class_name=""): """Function unique identifier.""" return "_".join((func.__module__, class_name, func.__name__))
[docs]def all(): """Get copy of the registry. For debug only.""" return copy.deepcopy(_REGISTRY)
[docs]def register(key, func, args=(), kwargs={}, class_name=""): """Add function call to the registry :param str key: cache key :param func: function to cache :param tuple args: function arguments :param dict kwargs: function keyword arguments :param class_name: If the function is a method, name of class of the object must be set up. """ func = func_id(func, class_name=class_name) args_dump = _serialize(args, kwargs) if func not in _REGISTRY: _REGISTRY[func] = [] if not filter(lambda item: item["args"] == args_dump, _REGISTRY[func]): _REGISTRY[func].append({ "key": key, "args": args_dump, })
[docs]def remove(func): """Remove function from registry with all the keys associated with it.""" func = func_id(func) del _REGISTRY[func]
[docs]def keys(func): """All the keys which have been added by the function""" func = func_id(func) if func not in _REGISTRY: return [] return [item["key"] for item in _REGISTRY[func]]
[docs]def key(func, args=(), kwargs={}): """Key which has been added by the function with particular arguments.""" klass = getattr(func, "im_class", None) class_name = getattr(klass, "__name__", "") func = func_id(func, class_name=class_name) if func not in _REGISTRY: return None keys = [item["key"] for item in _REGISTRY[func] if item["args"] == _serialize(args, kwargs)] if not keys: return None return keys[0]
[docs]def clear(): """Clear the registry""" _REGISTRY.clear()