Source code for twod_materials.utils

from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals

import os

from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
from pymatgen.core.operations import SymmOp
from pymatgen.core.composition import Composition
from pymatgen.core.periodic_table import Element
from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer
from import Vasprun
from import MPRester

from monty.serialization import loadfn

import numpy as np

import math

import twod_materials

import itertools as it

PACKAGE_PATH = twod_materials.__file__.replace('__init__.pyc', '')
PACKAGE_PATH = '/'.join(PACKAGE_PATH.split('/')[:-2])

    config_vars = loadfn(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'config.yaml'))
    print('WARNING: No config.yaml file was found. Please configure the '\
    'config.yaml and put it in your home directory.')
    # Still set them for testing purposes.
    config_vars = loadfn(os.path.join(PACKAGE_PATH, 'config.yaml'))
if 'MP_API' in os.environ:
    MPR = MPRester(os.environ['MP_API'])
    MPR = MPRester(config_vars['mp_api'])
VASP = config_vars['normal_binary']
VASP_2D = config_vars['twod_binary']
POTENTIAL_PATH = config_vars['potentials']
if 'queue_system' in config_vars:
    QUEUE = config_vars['queue_system'].lower()
elif '/ufrc/' in os.getcwd():
    QUEUE = 'slurm'
elif '/scratch/' in os.getcwd():
    QUEUE = 'pbs'

[docs]def is_converged(directory): """ Check if a relaxation has converged. Args: directory (str): path to directory to check. Returns: boolean. Whether or not the job is converged. """ try: if Vasprun('{}/vasprun.xml'.format(directory)).converged: return True else: return False except: return False
[docs]def get_status(directory): """ Return the state of job in a directory. Designed for use on Slurm systems. Args: directory (str): *absolute* path to the directory to check. Returns: string version of SLURM job status. 'None' = No running job in this directory """ os.system("squeue -o '%.18i %.9P %.16j %.8u %.8T %.10M %.9l %.6D %R %Z'" ">> all_jobs.txt") lines = open('all_jobs.txt').readlines() job_state = None for i in range(len(lines)): if directory in lines[i]: job_state = lines[i][4] break os.system('rm all_jobs.txt') return job_state
[docs]def get_magmom_string(): """ Based on a POSCAR, returns the string required for the MAGMOM setting in the INCAR. Initializes transition metals with 6.0 bohr magneton and all others with 0.5. Returns: string. e.g. '1*6.0 3*0.5' """ magmoms = [] poscar_lines = open('POSCAR').readlines() elements = poscar_lines[5].split() amounts = poscar_lines[6].split() for i in range(len(elements)): if Element(elements[i]).is_transition_metal: magmoms.append('{}*6.0'.format(amounts[i])) else: magmoms.append('{}*0.5'.format(amounts[i])) return ' '.join(magmoms)
[docs]def get_spacing(filename='POSCAR', cut=0.9): """ Returns the interlayer spacing for a 2D material. Args: filename (str): 'CONTCAR' or 'POSCAR', whichever file to check. cut (float): a fractional z-coordinate that must be within the vacuum region. Returns: float. Spacing in Angstroms. """ structure = Structure.from_file('POSCAR') lines = open(filename).readlines() c_axis = lines[4].split() lattice_parameter = lines[1].split() split_coords = [line.split() for line in lines[8:8+structure.num_sites]] z_coords = list() for coord in split_coords: z_coord = float(coord[2]) if z_coord > cut: z_coord -= 1 z_coords.append(z_coord) max_height = max([z_height for z_height in z_coords]) min_height = min([z_height for z_height in z_coords]) spacing = ((1.0 + min_height) - max_height) * abs(float(c_axis[2]))\ * float(lattice_parameter[0]) return spacing
[docs]def get_rotation_matrix(axis, theta): """ Find the rotation matrix associated with counterclockwise rotation about the given axis by theta radians. Credit: Args: axis (list): rotation axis of the form [x, y, z] theta (float): rotational angle in radians Returns: array. Rotation matrix. """ axis = np.asarray(axis) theta = np.asarray(theta) axis = axis/math.sqrt(, axis)) a = math.cos(theta/2.0) b, c, d = -axis*math.sin(theta/2.0) aa, bb, cc, dd = a*a, b*b, c*c, d*d bc, ad, ac, ab, bd, cd = b*c, a*d, a*c, a*b, b*d, c*d return np.array([[aa+bb-cc-dd, 2*(bc+ad), 2*(bd-ac)], [2*(bc-ad), aa+cc-bb-dd, 2*(cd+ab)], [2*(bd+ac), 2*(cd-ab), aa+dd-bb-cc]])
[docs]def align_c_axis_along_001(structure): """ Given a structure with a c-axis not along [001], returns the same structure rotated so that the c-axis is along the [001] direction. This is useful for vasp compiled with no z-axis relaxation. Args: structure (structure): Pymatgen Structure object to rotate. Returns: structure. Rotated to align c-axis along [001]. """ c = structure.lattice._matrix[2] z = [0, 0, 1] axis = np.cross(c, z) if not(axis[0] == 0 and axis[1] == 0): theta = (np.arccos(, z) / (np.linalg.norm(c) * np.linalg.norm(z)))) R = get_rotation_matrix(axis, theta) rotation = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(rotation_matrix=R) structure.apply_operation(rotation) return structure
[docs]def get_structure_type(structure, write_poscar_from_cluster=False): """ This is a topology-scaling algorithm used to describe the periodicity of bonded clusters in a bulk structure. Args: structure (structure): Pymatgen structure object to classify. write_poscar_from_cluster (bool): Set to True to write a POSCAR from the sites in the cluster. Returns: string. 'molecular' (0D), 'chain', 'layered', 'heterogeneous' (intercalated 3D), or 'conventional' (3D) """ # The conventional standard structure is much easier to work # with. structure = SpacegroupAnalyzer( structure).get_conventional_standard_structure() # Noble gases don't have well-defined bonding radii. if not len([e for e in structure.composition if e.symbol in ['He', 'Ne', 'Ar', 'Kr', 'Xe']]) == 0: type = 'noble gas' else: if len(structure.sites) < 45: structure.make_supercell(2) # Create a dict of sites as keys and lists of their # bonded neighbors as values. sites = structure.sites bonds = {} for site in sites: bonds[site] = [] for i in range(len(sites)): site_1 = sites[i] for site_2 in sites[i+1:]: if (site_1.distance(site_2) < float(Element(site_1.specie).atomic_radius + Element(site_2.specie).atomic_radius) * 1.1): bonds[site_1].append(site_2) bonds[site_2].append(site_1) # Assimilate all bonded atoms in a cluster; terminate # when it stops growing. cluster_terminated = False while not cluster_terminated: original_cluster_size = len(bonds[sites[0]]) for site in bonds[sites[0]]: bonds[sites[0]] += [ s for s in bonds[site] if s not in bonds[sites[0]]] if len(bonds[sites[0]]) == original_cluster_size: cluster_terminated = True original_cluster = bonds[sites[0]] if len(bonds[sites[0]]) == 0: # i.e. the cluster is a single atom. type = 'molecular' elif len(bonds[sites[0]]) == len(sites): # i.e. all atoms are bonded. type = 'conventional' else: # If the cluster's composition is not equal to the # structure's overall composition, it is a heterogeneous # compound. cluster_composition_dict = {} for site in bonds[sites[0]]: if Element(site.specie) in cluster_composition_dict: cluster_composition_dict[Element(site.specie)] += 1 else: cluster_composition_dict[Element(site.specie)] = 1 uniform = True if len(cluster_composition_dict): cmp = Composition.from_dict(cluster_composition_dict) if cmp.reduced_formula != structure.composition.reduced_formula: uniform = False if not uniform: type = 'heterogeneous' else: # Make a 2x2x2 supercell and recalculate the # cluster's new size. If the new cluster size is # the same as the old size, it is a non-periodic # molecule. If it is 2x as big, it's a 1D chain. # If it's 4x as big, it is a layered material. old_cluster_size = len(bonds[sites[0]]) structure.make_supercell(2) sites = structure.sites bonds = {} for site in sites: bonds[site] = [] for i in range(len(sites)): site_1 = sites[i] for site_2 in sites[i+1:]: if (site_1.distance(site_2) < float(Element(site_1.specie).atomic_radius + Element(site_2.specie).atomic_radius) * 1.1): bonds[site_1].append(site_2) bonds[site_2].append(site_1) cluster_terminated = False while not cluster_terminated: original_cluster_size = len(bonds[sites[0]]) for site in bonds[sites[0]]: bonds[sites[0]] += [ s for s in bonds[site] if s not in bonds[sites[0]]] if len(bonds[sites[0]]) == original_cluster_size: cluster_terminated = True if len(bonds[sites[0]]) != 4 * old_cluster_size: type = 'molecular' else: type = 'layered' if write_poscar_from_cluster: Structure.from_sites(original_cluster).to('POSCAR', 'POSCAR') return type
[docs]def add_vacuum(delta, cut=0.9): """ Adds vacuum to a POSCAR. Args: delta (float): vacuum thickness in Angstroms cut (delta): fractional height above which atoms will need to be fixed. Defaults to 0.9. """ # Fix the POSCAR to put bottom atoms (even if they are above the # current vacuum layer) at 0.0. structure = Structure.from_file('POSCAR') n_sites = structure.num_sites poscar_lines = open('POSCAR').readlines() with open('POSCAR', 'w') as poscar: for line in poscar_lines[:8]: poscar.write(line) for line in poscar_lines[8:8+n_sites]: split_line = line.split() if float(split_line[2]) > cut: new_line = ' '.join([split_line[0], split_line[1], str(float(split_line[2]) - 1.0)]) else: new_line = ' '.join(split_line) poscar.write(new_line + '\n') min_z = 1 for site in structure.sites: if site._fcoords[2] > cut: height = site._fcoords[2] - 1 else: height = site._fcoords[2] if height < min_z: min_z = height translation = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation( translation_vec=(0, 0, -min_z)) structure.apply_operation(translation, fractional=True)'POSCAR', 'POSCAR') with open('POSCAR', 'r') as poscar: poscar_lines = poscar.readlines() atom_lines = [] for i in range(8, 8+n_sites): atom_lines.append(poscar_lines[i].split()) atom_line_2s = [] for atom_line in atom_lines: atom_line_2s.append(float(atom_line[2])) fixable = False addables = [] for atom_line_2 in atom_line_2s: if float(atom_line_2) > cut or\ (float(atom_line_2) < 0.0 and 1.0 + float(atom_line_2) > cut): if float(atom_line_2) < 0.0 and 1.0 + float(atom_line_2) > cut: atom_line_2 = float(atom_line_2) + 1.0 addables.append(atom_line_2) fixable = True # if fixable: # add_factor = 1.0 - min(addables) # else: add_factor = 0.0 new_atom_lines = [] for atom_line in atom_lines: new_atom_line_2 = str(float(atom_line[2]) + add_factor) if float(new_atom_line_2) >= 1.0: new_atom_line_2 = str(float(new_atom_line_2) - 1.0) new_atom_lines.append('{} {} {}'.format(atom_line[0], atom_line[1], new_atom_line_2)) with open('POSCAR', 'w') as poscar: for line in poscar_lines[0:8]: poscar.write(line) for new_atom_line in new_atom_lines: poscar.write('{}\n'.format(new_atom_line)) # Open files and read in values from POSCAR old_poscar = open('POSCAR', 'r') new_poscar = open('new_POSCAR', 'w') oldlines = old_poscar.readlines() name = oldlines[0].split()[0] lattice_constant = oldlines[1].strip() a_lat_par = [float(x) for x in oldlines[2].split()] b_lat_par = [float(y) for y in oldlines[3].split()] c_lat_par = [abs(float(z)) for z in oldlines[4].split()] elements = oldlines[5].split() stoichiometry = oldlines[6].split() coordinate_type = oldlines[7].strip() # Elongate c-vector by delta save = float(c_lat_par[2]) c_length = float(c_lat_par[2]) * float(lattice_constant) c_length_plus_delta = c_length + float(delta) c_lat_par[2] = c_length_plus_delta / float(lattice_constant) scalar = c_lat_par[2] / save # Create list of atom coordinates and adjust their z-coordinate on # the fly atoms = [] for i in range(8, 8+n_sites): atom = oldlines[i].split() atom[2] = float(atom[2]) / scalar atoms.append(atom) # Write updated values to new_POSCAR, copy it to old_POSCAR, then # close files and delete new_POSCAR new_poscar.write('{}\n'.format(name)) new_poscar.write('{}\n'.format(lattice_constant)) for item in a_lat_par: new_poscar.write('{} '.format(item)) new_poscar.write('\n') for item in b_lat_par: new_poscar.write('{} '.format(item)) new_poscar.write('\n') for item in c_lat_par: new_poscar.write('{} '.format(item)) new_poscar.write('\n') for item in elements: new_poscar.write('{} '.format(item)) new_poscar.write('\n') for item in stoichiometry: new_poscar.write('{} '.format(item)) new_poscar.write('\n') new_poscar.write('{}\n'.format(coordinate_type)) for item in atoms: new_poscar.write('{} {} {}\n'.format(item[0], item[1], item[2])) new_poscar.close() os.remove('POSCAR') new_lines = open('new_POSCAR').readlines() with open('POSCAR', 'w') as poscar: for line in new_lines: poscar.write(line) old_poscar.close() os.remove('new_POSCAR')
[docs]def write_potcar(pot_path=POTENTIAL_PATH, types='None'): """ Writes a POTCAR file based on a list of types. Args: pot_path (str): can be changed to override default location of POTCAR files. types (list): list of same length as number of elements containing specifications for the kind of potential desired for each element. If left as 'None', uses the defaults in the 'potcar_symbols.yaml' file in the package root. """ if pot_path == '/path/to/POTCAR/files': # This means the config.yaml file has not been set up. pass else: poscar = open('POSCAR', 'r') lines = poscar.readlines() elements = lines[5].split() poscar.close() potcar_symbols = loadfn( os.path.join(PACKAGE_PATH, 'twod_materials/potcar_symbols.yaml') ) if types == 'None': types = [potcar_symbols[elt].replace(elt, '').replace('_', '') for elt in elements] potentials = [] for i in range(len(elements)): if types[i] == '': pass else: elements[i] += '_{}'.format(types[i]) # If specified pseudopotential doesn't exist, try other variations. if os.path.exists('{}/{}/POTCAR'.format(pot_path, elements[i])): pass else: print('Potential file for {} does not exist. Looking for best'\ 'variation... '.format(elements[i])) if types[i] == 'regular': length = 0 else: length = len(types[i]) + 1 elements[i] = elements[i][:-length] elements[i] += '_sv' if os.path.exists('{}/{}/POTCAR'.format( pot_path, elements[i])): print('Found one! {} will work.'.format(elements[i])) else: elements[i] = elements[i][:-3] elements[i] += '_pv' if os.path.exists('{}/{}/POTCAR'.format( pot_path, elements[i])): print('Found one! {} will work.'.format(elements[i])) else: elements[i] = elements[i][:-3] elements[i] += '_3' if os.path.exists('{}/{}/POTCAR'.format( pot_path, elements[i])): print('Found one! {} will work.'.format(elements[i])) else: elements[i] = elements[i][:-2] if os.path.exists('{}/{}/POTCAR'.format( pot_path, elements[i])): print(('Found one! {} will ' 'work.'.format(elements[i]))) else: print('No pseudopotential found' ' for {}'.format(elements[i])) # Create paths, open files, and write files to POTCAR for each potential. for element in elements: potentials.append('{}/{}/POTCAR'.format(pot_path, element)) outfile = open('POTCAR', 'w') for potential in potentials: infile = open(potential) for line in infile: outfile.write(line) infile.close() outfile.close()
[docs]def write_circle_mesh_kpoints(center=[0, 0, 0], radius=0.1, resolution=20): """ Create a circular mesh of k-points centered around a specific k-point and write it to the KPOINTS file. Non-circular meshes are not supported, but shouldn't be too hard to code. All k-point weights are 1. Args: center (list): x, y, and z coordinates of mesh center. Defaults to Gamma. radius (float): Size of the mesh in inverse Angstroms. resolution (int): Number of mesh divisions along the radius in the 3 primary directions. """ kpoints = [] step = radius / resolution for i in range(-resolution, resolution): for j in range(-resolution, resolution): if i**2 + j**2 <= resolution**2: kpoints.append([str(center[0]+step*i), str(center[1]+step*j), '0', '1']) with open('KPOINTS', 'w') as kpts: kpts.write('KPOINTS\n{}\ndirect\n'.format(len(kpoints))) for kpt in kpoints: kpts.write(' '.join(kpt)) kpts.write('\n')
[docs]def get_markovian_path(points): """ Calculates the shortest path connecting an array of 2D points. Args: points (list): list/array of points of the format [[x_1, y_1, z_1], [x_2, y_2, z_2], ...] Returns: A sorted list of the points in order on the markovian path. """ def dist(x,y): return math.hypot(y[0] - x[0], y[1] - x[1]) paths = [p for p in it.permutations(points)] path_distances = [ sum(map(lambda x: dist(x[0], x[1]), zip(p[:-1], p[1:]))) for p in paths ] min_index = np.argmin(path_distances) return paths[min_index]
[docs]def remove_z_kpoints(): """ Strips all linemode k-points from the KPOINTS file that include a z-component, since these are not relevant for 2D materials. """ kpoint_lines = open('KPOINTS').readlines() twod_kpoints = [] labels = {} i = 4 while i < len(kpoint_lines): kpt_1 = kpoint_lines[i].split() kpt_2 = kpoint_lines[i+1].split() if float(kpt_1[2]) == 0.0 and [float(kpt_1[0]), float(kpt_1[1])] not in twod_kpoints: twod_kpoints.append( [float(kpt_1[0]), float(kpt_1[1])] ) labels[kpt_1[4]] = [float(kpt_1[0]), float(kpt_1[1])] if float(kpt_2[2]) == 0.0 and [float(kpt_2[0]), float(kpt_2[1])] not in twod_kpoints: twod_kpoints.append( [float(kpt_2[0]), float(kpt_2[1])] ) labels[kpt_2[4]] = [float(kpt_2[0]), float(kpt_2[1])] i += 3 kpath = get_markovian_path(twod_kpoints) with open('KPOINTS', 'w') as kpts: for line in kpoint_lines[:4]: kpts.write(line) for i in range(len(kpath)): label_1 = [l for l in labels if labels[l] == kpath[i]][0] if i == len(kpath) - 1: kpt_2 = kpath[0] label_2 = [l for l in labels if labels[l] == kpath[0]][0] else: kpt_2 = kpath[i+1] label_2 = [l for l in labels if labels[l] == kpath[i+1]][0] kpts.write(' '.join([str(kpath[i][0]), str(kpath[i][1]), '0.0 !', label_1])) kpts.write('\n') kpts.write(' '.join([str(kpt_2[0]), str(kpt_2[1]), '0.0 !', label_2])) kpts.write('\n\n')
[docs]def write_pbs_runjob(name, nnodes, nprocessors, pmem, walltime, binary): """ writes a runjob based on a name, nnodes, nprocessors, walltime, and binary. Designed for runjobs on the Hennig group_list on HiperGator 1 (PBS). Args: name (str): job name. nnodes (int): number of requested nodes. nprocessors (int): number of requested processors. pmem (str): requested memory including units, e.g. '1600mb'. walltime (str): requested wall time, hh:mm:ss e.g. '2:00:00'. binary (str): absolute path to binary to run. """ runjob = open('runjob', 'w') runjob.write('#!/bin/sh\n') runjob.write('#PBS -N {}\n'.format(name)) runjob.write('#PBS -o test.out\n') runjob.write('#PBS -e test.err\n') runjob.write('#PBS -r n\n') runjob.write('#PBS -l walltime={}\n'.format(walltime)) runjob.write('#PBS -l nodes={}:ppn={}\n'.format(nnodes, nprocessors)) runjob.write('#PBS -l pmem={}\n'.format(pmem)) runjob.write('#PBS -W group_list=hennig\n\n') runjob.write('cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR\n\n') runjob.write('mpirun {} > job.log\n\n'.format(binary)) runjob.write('echo \'Done.\'\n') runjob.close()
[docs]def write_slurm_runjob(name, ntasks, pmem, walltime, binary): """ writes a runjob based on a name, nnodes, nprocessors, walltime, and binary. Designed for runjobs on the Hennig group_list on HiperGator 2 (SLURM). Args: name (str): job name. ntasks (int): total number of requested processors. pmem (str): requested memory including units, e.g. '1600mb'. walltime (str): requested wall time, hh:mm:ss e.g. '2:00:00'. binary (str): absolute path to binary to run. """ nnodes = int(np.ceil(float(ntasks) / 32.0)) runjob = open('runjob', 'w') runjob.write('#!/bin/bash\n') runjob.write('#SBATCH --job-name={}\n'.format(name)) runjob.write('#SBATCH -o out_%j.log\n') runjob.write('#SBATCH -e err_%j.log\n') runjob.write('#SBATCH --qos=hennig-b\n') runjob.write('#SBATCH --nodes={}\n'.format(nnodes)) runjob.write('#SBATCH --ntasks={}\n'.format(ntasks)) runjob.write('#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu={}\n'.format(pmem)) runjob.write('#SBATCH -t {}\n\n'.format(walltime)) runjob.write('cd $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR\n\n') runjob.write('module load intel/2016.0.109\n') runjob.write('module load openmpi/1.10.1\n') runjob.write('module load vasp/5.4.1\n\n') runjob.write('mpirun {} > job.log\n\n'.format(binary)) runjob.write('echo \'Done.\'\n') runjob.close()