Source code for twod_materials.pourbaix.analysis

Create pourbaix diagrams for 2D materials against their ions in solution using
the scheme outlined in PHYSICAL REVIEW B 85, 235438 (2012)
from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals

import os

from monty.serialization import loadfn

from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
from import Vasprun
from pymatgen.core.ion import Ion
from pymatgen import Element
from pymatgen.analysis.pourbaix.entry import PourbaixEntry, IonEntry
from pymatgen.analysis.pourbaix.maker import PourbaixDiagram
from pymatgen.analysis.pourbaix.plotter import PourbaixPlotter
from pymatgen.analysis.pourbaix.analyzer import PourbaixAnalyzer
from pymatgen.entries.computed_entries import ComputedEntry

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon

import twod_materials

PACKAGE_PATH = twod_materials.__file__.replace('__init__.pyc', '')

ION_DATA = loadfn(os.path.join(PACKAGE_PATH, 'pourbaix/ions.yaml'))
END_MEMBERS = loadfn(os.path.join(PACKAGE_PATH, 'pourbaix/end_members.yaml'))
ION_COLORS = loadfn(os.path.join(PACKAGE_PATH, 'pourbaix/ion_colors.yaml'))

[docs]def contains_entry(entry_list, entry): """ Function for filtering duplicate entries in a list. Args: entry_list (list): List of Pymatgen ComputedEntry objects. entry (ComputedEntry): the Pymatgen ComputedEntry object of interest. """ for ent in entry_list: if (ent.entry_id == entry.entry_id or (abs(entry.energy_per_atom - ent.energy_per_atom) < 1e-6 and (entry.composition.reduced_formula == ent.composition.reduced_formula) )): return True
[docs]def plot_pourbaix_diagram(metastability=0.0, ion_concentration=1e-6, fmt='pdf'): """ Creates a Pourbaix diagram for the material in the cwd. Args: metastability (float): desired metastable tolerance energy (meV/atom). <~50 is generally a sensible range to use. ion_concentration (float): in mol/kg. Sensible values are generally between 1e-8 and 1. fmt (str): matplotlib format style. Check the matplotlib docs for options. """ # Create a ComputedEntry object for the 2D material. composition = Structure.from_file('POSCAR').composition energy = Vasprun('vasprun.xml').final_energy cmpd = ComputedEntry(composition, energy) # Define the chemsys that describes the 2D compound. chemsys = ['O', 'H'] + [elt.symbol for elt in composition.elements if elt.symbol not in ['O', 'H']] # Experimental ionic energies # See ions.yaml for ion formation energies and references. exp_dict = ION_DATA['ExpFormEnergy'] ion_correction = ION_DATA['IonCorrection'] # Pick out the ions pertaining to the 2D compound. ion_dict = dict() for elt in chemsys: if elt not in ['O', 'H'] and exp_dict[elt]: ion_dict.update(exp_dict[elt]) elements = [Element(elt) for elt in chemsys if elt not in ['O', 'H']] # Add "correction" for metastability cmpd.correction -= float(cmpd.composition.num_atoms)\ * float(metastability) / 1000.0 # Calculate formation energy of the compound from its end # members form_energy = for elt in composition.as_dict(): form_energy -= END_MEMBERS[elt] * cmpd.composition[elt] # Convert the compound entry to a pourbaix entry. # Default concentration for solid entries = 1 pbx_cmpd = PourbaixEntry(cmpd) pbx_cmpd.g0_replace(form_energy) pbx_cmpd.reduced_entry() # Add corrected ionic entries to the pourbaix diagram # dft corrections for experimental ionic energies: # Persson PHYSICAL REVIEW B 85, 235438 (2012) pbx_ion_entries = list() # Get PourbaixEntry corresponding to each ion. # Default concentration for ionic entries = 1e-6 # ion_energy = ion_exp_energy + ion_correction * factor # where factor = fraction of element el in the ionic entry # compared to the reference entry for elt in elements: for key in ion_dict: comp = Ion.from_formula(key) if comp.composition[elt] != 0: factor = comp.composition[elt] energy = ion_dict[key] pbx_entry_ion = PourbaixEntry(IonEntry(comp, energy)) pbx_entry_ion.correction = ion_correction[elt.symbol]\ * factor pbx_entry_ion.conc = ion_concentration = key pbx_ion_entries.append(pbx_entry_ion) # Generate and plot Pourbaix diagram # Each bulk solid/ion has a free energy g of the form: # g = g0_ref + 0.0591 * log10(conc) - nO * mu_H2O + # (nH - 2nO) * pH + phi * (-nH + 2nO + q) all_entries = [pbx_cmpd] + pbx_ion_entries pourbaix = PourbaixDiagram(all_entries) # Analysis features panalyzer = PourbaixAnalyzer(pourbaix) # instability = panalyzer.get_e_above_hull(pbx_cmpd) plotter = PourbaixPlotter(pourbaix) plot = plotter.get_pourbaix_plot(limits=[[0, 14], [-2, 2]], label_domains=True) fig = plot.gcf() ax1 = fig.gca() # Add coloring to highlight the stability region for the 2D # material, if one exists. stable_entries = plotter.pourbaix_plot_data( limits=[[0, 14], [-2, 2]])[0] for entry in stable_entries: if entry == pbx_cmpd: col = else: col = ION_COLORS[entry.composition.reduced_formula])) vertices = plotter.domain_vertices(entry) patch = Polygon(vertices, closed=True, fill=True, color=col) ax1.add_patch(patch) fig.set_size_inches((11.5, 9)) plot.tight_layout(pad=1.09) # Save plot if metastability: plot.suptitle('Metastable Tolerance =' ' {} meV/atom'.format(metastability), fontsize=20) plot.savefig('{}_{}.{}'.format( composition.reduced_formula, ion_concentration, fmt), transparent=True) else: plot.savefig('{}_{}.{}'.format(composition.reduced_formula, ion_concentration, fmt), transparent=True) plot.close()
# return instability