Source code for twod_materials.electronic_structure.startup

from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals

import os

from twod_materials.utils import *
from twod_materials.stability.startup import relax

from import Kpoints, Incar
from pymatgen.symmetry.bandstructure import HighSymmKpath
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure

from monty.serialization import loadfn

import numpy as np

import math

import twod_materials

PACKAGE_PATH = twod_materials.__file__.replace('__init__.pyc', '')
PACKAGE_PATH = '/'.join(PACKAGE_PATH.split('/')[:-2])

    config_vars = loadfn(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'config.yaml'))
    print('WARNING: No config.yaml file was found. please configure the '\
    'config.yaml and put it in your home directory.')
    # Still set them for testing purposes.
    config_vars = loadfn(os.path.join(PACKAGE_PATH, 'config.yaml'))
    VASP = config_vars['normal_binary']
if 'queue_system' in config_vars:
    QUEUE = config_vars['queue_system'].lower()
elif '/ufrc/' in os.getcwd():
    QUEUE = 'slurm'
elif '/scratch/' in os.getcwd():
    QUEUE = 'pbs'

[docs]def run_pbe_calculation(dim=2, submit=True, force_overwrite=False): """ Setup and submit a normal PBE calculation for band structure along high symmetry k-paths. Args: dim (int): 2 for relaxing a 2D material, 3 for a 3D material. submit (bool): Whether or not to submit the job. force_overwrite (bool): Whether or not to overwrite files if an already converged vasprun.xml exists in the directory. """ PBE_INCAR_DICT = {'EDIFF': 1e-6, 'IBRION': 2, 'ISIF': 3, 'ISMEAR': 1, 'NSW': 0, 'LVTOT': True, 'LVHAR': True, 'LORBIT': 1, 'LREAL': 'Auto', 'NPAR': 4, 'PREC': 'Accurate', 'LWAVE': True, 'SIGMA': 0.1, 'ENCUT': 500, 'ISPIN': 2} directory = os.getcwd().split('/')[-1] if not os.path.isdir('pbe_bands'): os.mkdir('pbe_bands') if force_overwrite or not is_converged('pbe_bands'): os.system('cp CONTCAR pbe_bands/POSCAR') if os.path.isfile('POTCAR'): os.system('cp POTCAR pbe_bands/') PBE_INCAR_DICT.update({'MAGMOM': get_magmom_string()}) Incar.from_dict(PBE_INCAR_DICT).write_file('pbe_bands/INCAR') structure = Structure.from_file('POSCAR') kpath = HighSymmKpath(structure) Kpoints.automatic_linemode(20, kpath).write_file('pbe_bands/KPOINTS') os.chdir('pbe_bands') if dim == 2: remove_z_kpoints() if QUEUE == 'pbs': write_pbs_runjob(directory, 1, 16, '800mb', '6:00:00', VASP) submission_command = 'qsub runjob' elif QUEUE == 'slurm': write_slurm_runjob(directory, 16, '800mb', '6:00:00', VASP) submission_command = 'sbatch runjob' if submit: os.system(submission_command) os.chdir('../')
[docs]def run_hse_prep_calculation(dim=2, submit=True): """ Submits a quick static calculation to calculate the IBZKPT file using a smaller number of k-points (200/atom instead of 1000/atom). The other outputs from this calculation are essentially useless. Args: dim (int): 2 for relaxing a 2D material, 3 for a 3D material. submit (bool): Whether or not to submit the job. """ if not os.path.isdir('hse_prep'): os.mkdir('hse_prep') os.chdir('hse_prep') os.system('cp ../CONTCAR ./POSCAR') if os.path.isfile('../POTCAR'): os.system('cp POTCAR .') relax(dim=2, submit=False) incar_dict = Incar.from_file('INCAR').as_dict() incar_dict.update({'NSW': 0, 'NELM': 1, 'LWAVE': False, 'LCHARG': False, 'LAECHG': False}) Incar.from_dict(incar_dict).write_file('INCAR') Kpoints.automatic_density( Structure.from_file('POSCAR'), 200 ).write_file('KPOINTS') if dim == 2: kpts_lines = open('KPOINTS').readlines() with open('KPOINTS', 'w') as kpts: for line in kpts_lines[:3]: kpts.write(line) kpts.write(kpts_lines[3].split()[0] + ' ' + kpts_lines[3].split()[1] + ' 1') if QUEUE == 'pbs': write_pbs_runjob('{}_prep'.format( os.getcwd().split('/')[-2]), 1, 16, '800mb', '6:00:00', VASP) submission_command = 'qsub runjob' elif QUEUE == 'slurm': write_slurm_runjob('{}_prep'.format( os.getcwd().split('/')[-2]), 16, '800mb', '6:00:00', VASP) submission_command = 'sbatch runjob' if submit: os.system(submission_command) os.chdir('../')
[docs]def run_hse_calculation(dim=2, submit=True, force_overwrite=False, destroy_prep_directory=False): """ Setup/submit an HSE06 calculation to get an accurate band structure. Requires a previous IBZKPT from a standard DFT run. See for more details. Args: dim (int): 2 for relaxing a 2D material, 3 for a 3D material. submit (bool): Whether or not to submit the job. force_overwrite (bool): Whether or not to overwrite files if an already converged vasprun.xml exists in the directory. destroy_prep_directory (bool): whether or not to remove (rm -r) the hse_prep directory, if it exists. This can help you to automatically clean up and save space. """ HSE_INCAR_DICT = {'LHFCALC': True, 'HFSCREEN': 0.2, 'AEXX': 0.25, 'ALGO': 'D', 'TIME': 0.4, 'NSW': 0, 'LVTOT': True, 'LVHAR': True, 'LORBIT': 11, 'LWAVE': True, 'NPAR': 8, 'PREC': 'Accurate', 'EDIFF': 1e-4, 'ENCUT': 450, 'ICHARG': 2, 'ISMEAR': 1, 'SIGMA': 0.1, 'IBRION': 2, 'ISIF': 3, 'ISPIN': 2} if not os.path.isdir('hse_bands'): os.mkdir('hse_bands') if force_overwrite or not is_converged('hse_bands'): os.chdir('hse_bands') os.system('cp ../CONTCAR ./POSCAR') if os.path.isfile('../POTCAR'): os.system('cp ../POTCAR .') HSE_INCAR_DICT.update({'MAGMOM': get_magmom_string()}) Incar.from_dict(HSE_INCAR_DICT).write_file('INCAR') # Re-use the irreducible brillouin zone KPOINTS from a # previous standard DFT run. if os.path.isdir('../hse_prep'): ibz_lines = open('../hse_prep/IBZKPT').readlines() if destroy_prep_directory: os.system('rm -r ../hse_prep') else: ibz_lines = open('../IBZKPT').readlines() n_ibz_kpts = int(ibz_lines[1].split()[0]) kpath = HighSymmKpath(Structure.from_file('POSCAR')) Kpoints.automatic_linemode(20, kpath).write_file('KPOINTS') if dim == 2: remove_z_kpoints() linemode_lines = open('KPOINTS').readlines() abs_path = [] i = 4 while i < len(linemode_lines): start_kpt = linemode_lines[i].split() end_kpt = linemode_lines[i+1].split() increments = [ (float(end_kpt[0]) - float(start_kpt[0])) / 20, (float(end_kpt[1]) - float(start_kpt[1])) / 20, (float(end_kpt[2]) - float(start_kpt[2])) / 20 ] abs_path.append(start_kpt[:3] + ['0', start_kpt[4]]) for n in range(1, 20): abs_path.append( [str(float(start_kpt[0]) + increments[0] * n), str(float(start_kpt[1]) + increments[1] * n), str(float(start_kpt[2]) + increments[2] * n), '0'] ) abs_path.append(end_kpt[:3] + ['0', end_kpt[4]]) i += 3 n_linemode_kpts = len(abs_path) with open('KPOINTS', 'w') as kpts: kpts.write('Automatically generated mesh\n') kpts.write('{}\n'.format(n_ibz_kpts + n_linemode_kpts)) kpts.write('Reciprocal Lattice\n') for line in ibz_lines[3:]: kpts.write(line) for point in abs_path: kpts.write('{}\n'.format(' '.join(point))) if QUEUE == 'pbs': write_pbs_runjob('{}_hsebands'.format( os.getcwd().split('/')[-2]), 2, 64, '1800mb', '50:00:00', VASP) submission_command = 'qsub runjob' elif QUEUE == 'slurm': write_slurm_runjob('{}_hsebands'.format( os.getcwd().split('/')[-2]), 64, '1800mb', '50:00:00', VASP) submission_command = 'sbatch runjob' if submit: os.system(submission_command) os.chdir('../')