There are three main users of the tutor system:: the students who take the questions and exams, the tutors/teachers who apply these exams and the question creator who creates and administer the questions database. It is common that the tutor plays a double role as also a creator, but ideally, she should be able to select questions from a public or institution’s database.
Each of these roles is addressed in a separate chapter and it is assumed that different people will fulfill each of these roles. The development roadmap ideally should be concentrated in implementing and improving the user stories associated with each role. A user story is a simple description of a desired functionality of the system from a user’s point of view. It should not be a technical description and technical decisions made for implementation of each user story should not be described in these chapters.
Each user story must follow the reST template bellow:
(user story title) Randomized questions printing
(concise description) I want to print several randomized versions of a given
question template to check for bugs and inconsistencies.
:Status: implemented
:Priority: medium
(Document in a language tha is useful for the user) User can generate a
``pdf`` file out of the question file ``question.qst`` with the command
``tutor create pdf question.qst``. The `pdf`` file can be printed from
the installed ``pdf`` viewer.
:References: See implementation on :mod:`tutor.bin.create`
The :Priority: field can be any of low, medium, high or critical. Obviouslly, the developer should dedicate its time to implement features for the non (or partially) implemented user stories based on their priority.
The :Status: field can be any of not implemented, implemented or partial (xx%). As a general rule, values above 33% should be assigned to working versions of an implementation with known (possibly critical) bugs and missing features.
Ideally, user stories should be written in English. Portuguese is tolerated, but the sections and roles should keep their English names as in:
Imprimindo questões randomizadas
Desejo imprimir várias versões aleatorizadas a partir de um modelo de questão
para procuarar bugs e inconsistências.
:Status: implemented
:Priority: medium
O usuário pode gerar um ``pdf`` utilizando o comando
``tutor create pdf question.qst``. Este arquivo `pdf`` pode depois ser
imporesso a partir do leitor de ``pdf`` instalado no sistema.
:References: Veja implementação em :mod:`tutor.bin.create`
It is assumed that people in each user role have at least the following technical levels:
As the system progresses, these requirements can (and should) be loosen, but we shall never assume additional skills (e.g.: the student should never be required to use Linux).
User stories are herein categorized by role and implementation status.
TODO: How modules are organized?
The main objects in Py-Tutor are represented as nested structures that resemble and can be easily serialized as JSON. This design allows easy communication between subsystems, which can be different modules in a program, or different subprocesses in a local machine or in remote servers. JSON is a safe and interoperable format for which implementations exists for many different languages. We use the pyson library to provide most of functionality to manipulate and (de)serialize these data structures.
This section describes how these data structures are defined and used to represent different objects across the Py-Tutor system. They are formally defined using a schema specified in Python code using the pyson library.