Commands frame/assign_sample¶
Randomly group rows into user-defined classes.
POST /v1/commands/¶
GET /v1/commands/:id¶
POST /v1/commands/
name: | frame/assign_sample |
arguments: | frame : Frame
sample_percentages : list
sample_labels : list (default=None)
output_column : unicode (default=None)
random_seed : int32 (default=None)
Authorization: test_api_key_1
Content-type: application/json
Randomly assign classes to rows given a vector of percentages. The table receives an additional column that contains a random label. The random label is generated by a probability distribution function. The distribution function is specified by the sample_percentages, a list of floating point values, which add up to 1. The labels are non-negative integers drawn from the range where is the sample_percentages.
The sample percentages provided by the user are preserved to at least eight decimal places, but beyond this there may be small changes due to floating point imprecision.
In particular:
- The engine validates that the sum of probabilities sums to 1.0 within eight decimal places and returns an error if the sum falls outside of this range.
- The probability of the final class is clamped so that each row receives a valid label with probability one.
200 OK
Returns information about the command. See the Response Body for Get Command here below. It is the same.