Table Of Contents

Commands About Command NamesΒΆ

Command names are structured hierarchically according to entities and any intermediate scoping names. The full name of a command is delimited with the / character.


All commands are associated with an entity type, like a frame or a graph. The command name begins with the entity type. The : character indicates subtyping, where no : means all related entities inherit the command. Example entity types:

frame             # corresponds to all *Frame entity types
frame:            # indicates the standard Frame entity type
frame:vertex      # indicates the VertexFrame entity type
model:kmeans      # indicates the KmeansModel entity type

This means the command frame/bin_columns is available on any type of Frame object, where frame:vertex/add_vertices is only available on VertexFrame entities. The first argument to any command is the id of an entity instance. This entity instance must correspond to the supported entity type(s) indicated in the command’s full name.

After the entity type, but before the name, there may be one or more intermediate names that provide additional scope.

Finally comes the name which identifies the operation.