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LogisticRegressionModel test

test(self, frame, label_column, observation_columns=None)

[ALPHA] Predict test frame labels and return metrics.


frame : Frame

Frame whose labels are to be predicted.

label_column : unicode

Column containing the actual label for each observation.

observation_columns : list (default=None)

Column(s) containing the observations whose labels are to be predicted and tested. Default is to test over the columns the SVM model was trained on.


: dict

A dictionary with binary classification metrics. The data returned is composed of the following keys:

‘accuracy’ : double
The proportion of predictions that are correctly identified
‘confusion_matrix’ : dictionary
A table used to describe the performance of a classification model
‘f_measure’ : double
The harmonic mean of precision and recall
‘precision’ : double
The proportion of predicted positive instances that are correctly identified
‘recall’ : double
The proportion of positive instances that are correctly identified.

Predict the labels for a test frame and run classification metrics on predicted and target labels.


See here for examples.