Models LinearRegressionModel

class LinearRegressionModel

Entity LinearRegressionModel


last_read_date Read-only property - Last time this model’s data was accessed.
name Set or get the name of the model object.
status Read-only property - Current model life cycle status.


__init__(self[, name, _info]) Create a ‘new’ instance of a Linear Regression model.
predict(self, frame[, observation_columns]) [ALPHA] Make new frame with column for label prediction.
train(self, frame, label_column, observation_columns[, intercept, ...]) [ALPHA] Build linear regression model.
__init__(self, name=None)

Create a ‘new’ instance of a Linear Regression model.


name : unicode (default=None)

User supplied name.


: Model

A new instance of LinearRegressionModel

Linear Regression [R21] is used to model the relationship between a scalar dependent variable and one or more independent variables. The Linear Regression model is initialized, trained on columns of a frame and used to predict the value of the dependent variable given the independent observations of a frame. This model runs the MLLib implementation of Linear Regression [R22] with the SGD [R23] optimizer.




Consider the following model trained and tested on the sample data set in frame ‘frame’.

Consider the following frame containing two columns.

>>> frame.inspect()
[#]  x1   y
[0]  0.0   0.0
[1]  1.0   2.5
[2]  2.0   5.0
[3]  3.0   7.5
[4]  4.0  10.0
[5]  5.0  12.5
[6]  6.0  15.0
[7]  7.0  17.5
[8]  8.0  20.0
[9]  9.0  22.5
>>> model = ta.LinearRegressionModel()
[===Job Progress===]
>>> model.train(frame, "y", ["x1"], intercept=True, num_iterations=100)
[===Job Progress===]
>>> predicted_frame = model.predict(frame, ["x1"])
[===Job Progress===]
>>> predicted_frame.inspect()
[#]  x1   y     predicted_value
[0]  0.0   0.0  -3.74940273364e+55
[1]  1.0   2.5  -2.72603544372e+56
[2]  2.0   5.0  -5.07713061407e+56
[3]  3.0   7.5  -7.42822578442e+56
[4]  4.0  10.0  -9.77932095478e+56
[5]  5.0  12.5  -1.21304161251e+57
[6]  6.0  15.0  -1.44815112955e+57
[7]  7.0  17.5  -1.68326064658e+57
[8]  8.0  20.0  -1.91837016362e+57
[9]  9.0  22.5  -2.15347968065e+57