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VertexFrame download

download(self, n=100, offset=0, columns=None)

Download frame data from the server into client workspace as a pandas dataframe


n : int (default=100)

The number of rows to download to the client

offset : int (default=0)

The number of rows to skip before copying

columns : list (default=None)

Column filter, the names of columns to be included (default is all columns)


: pandas.DataFrame

A new pandas dataframe object containing the downloaded frame data

Similar to the ‘take’ function, but puts the data in a pandas dataframe.


>>> pandas_frame =['name', 'phone'])
>>> pandas_frame
       name     phone
0      Fred  555-1234
1     Susan  555-0202
2  Thurston  555-4510
3      Judy  555-2183