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Frame append

append(self, data)

Adds more data to the current frame.


data : Data source

Data source, see Data Sources


>>> animals = ta.Frame(ta.UploadRows([['dog', 'snoopy'],
...                                    ['cat', 'tom'],
...                                    ['bear', 'yogi'],
...                                    ['mouse', 'jerry']],
...                                    [('animal', str), ('name', str)]))
[===Job Progress===]
>>> animals.append(ta.UploadRows([['donkey'],
...                                ['elephant'],
...                                ['ostrich']],
...                                [('animal', str)]))
[===Job Progress===]

>>> animals.inspect()
[#]  animal    name
[0]  dog       snoopy
[1]  cat       tom
[2]  bear      yogi
[3]  mouse     jerry
[4]  donkey    None
[5]  elephant  None
[6]  ostrich   None

The data we added didn’t have names, so None values were inserted for the new rows.