trustedanalytics.atk {
#bind address - change to to listen on all interfaces
//api.host = ""
#bind port
//api.port = 9099
# The host name for the Postgresql database in which the metadata will be stored
metastore.connection-postgresql.host = "localhost"
metastore.connection-postgresql.port = "5432"
metastore.connection-postgresql.database = "ta_metastore"
metastore.connection-postgresql.username = "atkuser"
metastore.connection-postgresql.password = "MyPassword"
metastore.connection-postgresql.url =
# This allows for the use of postgres for a metastore.
# Service restarts will not affect the data stored in postgres.
metastore.connection = ${trustedanalytics.atk.metastore.connection-postgresql}
# This allows the use of an in memory data store.
# Restarting the REST server will create a fresh database and any
# data in the h2 DB will be lost
//metastore.connection = ${trustedanalytics.atk.metastore.connection-h2}
engine {
# The hdfs URL where the trustedanalytics folder will be created
# and which will be used as the starting point for any relative URLs
fs.root = "hdfs://master.silvern.gao.cluster:8020/user/atkuser"
# The URL for connecting to the Spark master server
#spark.master = "spark://master.silvern.gao.cluster:7077"
yarn-client = "spark://master.silvern.gao.cluster:7077"
spark.conf.properties {
# Memory should be same or lower than what is listed as available
# in Cloudera Manager.
# Values should generally be in gigabytes, e.g. "64g".
spark.executor.memory = "103079215104"
# The settings below are all optional.
# Some may need to be configured depending on the
# specifics of your cluster and workload.
trustedanalytics.atk {
engine {
auto-partitioner {
# auto-partitioning spark based on the file size
file-size-to-partition-size = [
{ upper-bound="1MB", partitions = 15 },
{ upper-bound="1GB", partitions = 45 },
{ upper-bound="5GB", partitions = 100 },
{ upper-bound="10GB", partitions = 200 },
{ upper-bound="15GB", partitions = 375 },
{ upper-bound="25GB", partitions = 500 },
{ upper-bound="50GB", partitions = 750 },
{ upper-bound="100GB", partitions = 1000 },
{ upper-bound="200GB", partitions = 1500 },
{ upper-bound="300GB", partitions = 2000 },
{ upper-bound="400GB", partitions = 2500 },
{ upper-bound="600GB", partitions = 3750 }
# max-partitions is used if value is above the max upper-bound
max-partitions = 10000
# Configuration for the Trusted Analytics ATK REST API server
api {
# this is reported by the API server in the /info results -
# it can be used to identify a particular server or cluster.
//identifier = "ta"
#The default page size for result pagination
//default-count = 20
#Timeout for waiting for results from the engine
//default-timeout = 30s
#HTTP request timeout for the REST server
//request-timeout = 29s
#Configuration for the processing engine
engine {
//default-timeout = 30s
//page-size = 1000
spark {
# When master is empty the system defaults to spark://`hostname`:7070
# where hostname is calculated from the current system.
# For local mode (useful only for development testing) set master = "local[4]"
# in cluster mode, set master and home like the example
# master = "spark://MASTER_HOSTNAME:7077"
# home = "/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/spark"
# When home is empty the system will check expected locations on the
# local system and use the first one it finds.
# If spark is running in yarn-cluster mode (spark.master = "yarn-cluster"),
# spark.home needs to be set to the spark directory on CDH cluster
# ("/usr/lib/spark","/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/spark/", etc)
//home = ""
conf {
properties {
# These key/value pairs will be parsed dynamically and provided
# to SparkConf().
# See Spark docs for possible values
# http://spark.apache.org/docs/0.9.0/configuration.html.
# All values should be convertible to Strings.
#Examples of other useful properties to edit for performance tuning:
# Increased Akka frame size from default of 10MB to 100MB to
# allow tasks to send large results to Spark driver
# (e.g., using collect() on large datasets).
# Enabling RDD compression to save space (might increase CPU cycles)
# Snappy compression is more efficient