>>> from trello import TrelloApi
>>> trello = TrelloApi(TRELLO_APP_KEY)
>>> trello.boards.get('4d5ea62fd76aa1136000000c')
"closed": false,
"desc": "Trello board used by the Trello team to track work on Trello. How meta!\n\nThe development of the Trello API is being tracked at https://trello.com/api\n\nThe development of Trello Mobile applications is being tracked at https://trello.com/mobile",
"id": "4d5ea62fd76aa1136000000c",
"idOrganization": "4e1452614e4b8698470000e0",
"name": "Trello Development",
"pinned": true,
"prefs": {
"comments": "public",
"invitations": "members",
"permissionLevel": "public",
"voting": "public"
"url": "https://trello.com/board/trello-development/4d5ea62fd76aa1136000000c"
Because the Trello development board is public, we didn’t need a user’s token, but if we want to access private boards, we’ll have to have one. We can get it by calling:
>>> trello.get_token_url('My App', expires='30days', write_access=True)