tool v0.5.0 documentation


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The simple echo script

This example shows how to create a simple echo application with and without Tool. First off, let’s design the command-line interface:

$ ./ echo "hello there!"
hello there!

That’s what we need. THe interface is extremely simple.

The naïve approach

The straightforward implementation (with barebones Python) only takes three lines of code:

import sys

if __name__=='__main__':
    return u'You said {0}'.format(sys.argv[1])

It works!

However, the naïve approach is not scalable. When you have more than one command and more than one argument, the code dealing with sys.argv becomes bloated, overcomplicated and unmaintainable. You’ll need many if/elif/.../else branches, you’ll need to provide helpful error messaes and documentation. So we need a parser.

Using parser

...This is why getopt was introduced in early versions of Python and later replaced by more powerful optparse which was in turn recently replaced with argparse. We’ll use the latter:

import argparse
import sys

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

if __name__=='__main__':
    args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
    return u'You said {0}'.format(args.text)

This approach has several issues:

  • the whole application is a single command; you cannot just plug in a function as a subcommand with its own arguments.
  • imperative approach to defining arguments makes it hard to separate them from the dispatcher; therefore the application cannot be truly modular.

Using parser with subcommands

We should at least try to solve the subcommands problem. Argparse, unlike getopt and optparse, directly supports the concept of subcommands. It creates a subparser for each command so there can be a tree of nested commands, e.g.:

$ ./ blog add "hello"
added #1
$ ./ blog ls
* hello

This is basically a namespace “blog” with two functions acting as subcommands with each accepting its own set of arguments. A possible implementation:

import argparse

def blog_list(args):
    ... do something ...

def blog_add(args):
    id = add_to_database(args.text)
    print 'added #'+id

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()

blog_parser = subparsers.add_parser('blog')
blog_list_parser = blog_parser.add_parser('ls')
blog_add_parser = blog_parser.add_parser('add')

if __name__=='__main__':
    args = parser.parse_args()
    print args.function(args)

The problems:

  • still imperative;
  • a lot of boilerplate code related to commands.

Using parser: a cleaner way

Fortunately, there’s an excellent wrapper for argparse named argh. It enables lazy declaration of commands and removes a lot of boilerplate code while still allowing you to access the ArgumentParser:

from argh import *

def blog_list(args):
    ... do something ...

def blog_add(args):
    id = add_to_database(args.text)
    print 'added #'+id

# ...not necessarily in the same module:

parser = ArghParser()
parser.add_commands([blog_list, blog_add], namespace='blog')

if __name__=='__main__':

The difference is huge: the script now uses declarative approach and therefore command declarations can be safely decoupled from the dispatcher.

Now it would be great to have a means to assemble the commands in a uniform way.

The Tool application

A Tool application is an tool.Application managed by a script. Let’s go straight to an example:

from tool import Application

app = Application()

if __name__=='__main__':

The method tool.application.Application.dispatch() does the same as parser.dispatch() in the previous section. the application object contains an ArghParser instance as app.cli_parser. So you can add and run the commands this way:

app = Application()
app.cli_parser.add_commands([blog_list, blod_add])
if __name__=='__main__':

But wait, why do we need this new abstraction level if it doesn’t do anything what the argument parser itself can do? Well, it does. It is extensible. You can configure the application object so that it loads certain extensions and they contribute commands.

The configuration is just a dictionary with optional nested structures. We will use YAML as it is much more readable than Python in terms of defining data structures:

    blog.setup: null

Save this to conf.yaml and let the application know about the configuration:

app = Application('conf.yaml')

This is equivalent to:

app = Application({'extensions': {'blog.setup': None}})

Now the application will load the module blog, find a function setup in it and run it with two arguments: app (the application object itself) and conf (the extension settings, in our case they are just set to None).

Let’s now write the blog module:

def blog_list(args): somthing...

def setup(app, conf):

Then try running your management script:

$ ./

...and you will see usage information with blog-list command in it! Now run the command:

$ ./ blog-list

The function blog_list has been called and the result printed. Easy!

So to write pluggable applications with Tool you need to simply add a function that accepts the application object and then deal with its API. The function will be called automatically if it is mentioned in the extensions section of the configuration. And you can configure the extension itself by providing some data instead of null (or None), e.g.:

        theme: green

...and the setup function will be:

def setup(app, conf):
    assert 'theme' in conf, 'You must specify the theme!'
    return conf

The returned value (the environment) will be stored in the application object and can be later accessed this way:

from tool import app

env = app.get_extension('blog.setup')
theme = env['theme']

Why not just get_extension('blog')? Because a single extension can provide multiple configuration functions (or even classes) for different usage patterns. If you want a single name for all such functions if your extension or even across multiple extensions (to make them swappable) you can use the “feature” concept:

def setup_cli(app):
setup_cli.features = 'blog'

def setup_web(app):
setup_web.features = 'blog'

Or with some syntax sugar:

from tool.plugins import features

def setup_cli(app):

def setup_web(app):

Note that setup_cli and setup_web are mutually exclusive as they implement the same feature. A third, mixed CLI/web function can be introduced to offer both interfaces. Of course the web interface will have more dependencies that the CLI one, so you can make sure that they are also configured:

from tool.plugins import requires

@requires('sqlobject.setup', 'werkzeug_routing.setup')
def setup_web(app):

The ORM and routing extensions also can be swappable (e.g. Autumn, SQLAlchemy or Storm may be used instead of SQLObject), so it is safer to reference them by feature name:

@requires('{orm}', '{routing}')
def setup_web(app):

The application will gather feature names from all configured extensions and resolve them to actual paths to the configuring functions.


The same API cannot be guaranteed across extensions that implement the same feature. This is a problem yet to be resolved so the “feature” concept may be changed in the future.


Having understood the basics, let’s try something practical.

A blog requires some database and a means to expose the records via web interface.



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