Change log for tl.testing
0.5 (2012-01-04)
- Added tl.testing.thread providing thread classes that handle or report
exceptions as well as a thread-aware test case class that provides reporting
on threads left behind by tests and some conveniences for using threads in
test code.
- Dropped compatibility with Python 2.5 by introducing a context manager for
joining threads.
- Added tl.testing.doctest providing a DocFileSuite factory which is
compatible to that of standard doctest but uses pypi:manuel and allows for
some manuel-related additional configuration. Always require manuel,
removed the cairo extra requirements.
- Fixed issue 5: Shield test runs that are the subject of this package’s
tests from options passed to runs of this package’s test suite itself.
- Changed this package’s own tests to use the stock unittest test runner
instead of the Zope test runner. Since this caused changes in doc-test
counting, use mocks to make clearer whether certain tests are executed.
Requires the pypi:mock package.
- Updated code and development environment to newer versions of packages: no
longer use deprecated zope.testing.doctest, build with more recent
- Keep buildout.cfg under version control instead of base.cfg, expect
overriding to happen in local.cfg.
- Updated to using Sphinx 1.1 for building the documentation,
require graphviz to create class inheritance diagrams, require
sphinxcontrib-bitbucket to generate links to bitbucket issues and
sphinxcontrib-cheeseshop to generate links to packages’ PyPI pages.
Use a global table of contents in the sidebar. Added the technically
detailed doc-tests to the Sphinx docs.
- Temporarily ignore import errors for the cairo C module to allow the full
API docs to be built at Read the Docs.
0.4 (2009-09-14)
- Cairo testing:
- Updated to using manuel 1.0.0b3, restoring Python 2.5 compatibility.
- Allowed for text in addition to the expression in figure captions, as well
as multi-line captions.
- Interpret an option for excluding one or more rectangular areas of a
surface from comparison with the expected image.
0.3 (2009-07-23)
- Cairo testing:
- Updated to using manuel 1.0.0b2, implying the requirement of Python 2.6
and a refactoring of the DocFileSuite that loses encoding support.
- Improved the behaviour in the case that a result cannot be written to an
image file.
- Write the test result to an image file also in the case that the expected
image cannot be loaded.
- Disallowed absolute image paths as they would only work on Unix-like
systems because of the requirement to use / as the path separator.
- Fixed DocFileSuite to accept multiple test file names, renamed the
manuel_object parameter to just manuel, only include the doc test,
footnote and cairo Manuels by default.
- Require a cairo.ImageSurface instead of a Surface as the value of an
example’s Python expression.
- Report ImageSurface format mismatches, avoid false mismatches with
FORMAT_RGB24 surfaces.
- Organisation:
- Moved the project to the Mercurial version control system.
- Build documentation using Sphinx.
- Improved documentation, in particular added doc strings to the code.
0.2.2 (2009-06-24)
- Updated to using the manuel 1.0.0b1 API.
- Made the cairo test runner recognize the CAIRO_TEST_RESULTS environment
variable as a place to dump failed test results as png images.
0.2.1 (2009-06-09)
- Use new manuel.codeblock functionality in cairo image doc-testing.
- Simplified the cairo testing code a little due to a bug fix in manuel.
0.2 (2009-05-15)
- Added a manuel test runner that compares cairo surfaces to images included
as ReST figures in doc test files.
0.1 (2008-11-11)
initial release