File definition

    name: /etc/resolv.conf          # The filename
    ensure: contents|exists|removed # Action
    type: constant|http|template    # Type of contents value
    contents: <string>|<url>        # The file contents
    interpolate: <bool>             # If constants are substituted in contents
    encoding: <string>              # Encoding to use when downloading
    owner: <string>|<int>           # Name or uid of file owner
    group: <string>|<int>           # Name or gid of file group
    permission-mask: <string>       # The chmod permissions
    after: <string>|<list>


The ensure parameter defines what needs to be done with the file.

TinyCM will make sure that the contents and the metadata for the file is always exactly as in the definition
TinyCM will create the file and manage the permissions but not the contents of the file. The contents will be managed exactly once when the file is created.
TinyCM will delete the file if it exists.

type and contents

The type parameter defines what the contents parameter means.


The contents field is treated as the actual contents of the file. You probably want to use a literal style value in yaml:

    name: /tmp/example
    ensure: contents
    type: constant
    contents: |
        This is now the contents of the file
        I can even put multiple lines here
    owner: root
The contents field is an http/https url to a file to be fetched over the internet.
The same as http but it is not an absolute http uri but loaded relative to the module path. This means that it’s fetched over HTTP if the manifest itself is loaded over http but if the manifest is a local file it will load the template relative to the local module path (that defaults to the same directory as the manifest)


The interpolate is a boolean field that enables or disables postprocessing of the file contents. The postprocessing depends on the type parameter


If interpolate is enabled then the contents will be passed through the string.format function in Python. With this you can create very simple substitutions with constants defined in the manifest header:

    foo: bar
    name: /tmp/example
    ensure: contents
    type: constant
    contents: |
        The value of the foo constant is {foo}

        nameserver {nameservers[0]}
        nameserver {nameservers[1]}
        search {dns['domain']}
http and template

In this mode the source fill will be passed through the jinja2 template engine so you can do some fancier processing The values injected in the template are the same constants as in the constant type:

    name: /tmp/example
    ensure: contents
    type: template
    contents: template.conf

The contents of template.conf are

The value of the foo constant is {{foo}}

{% for ns in nameservers %}
nameserver {{ns}}
{% endfor %}

search {{dns.domain}}


This setting defines the encoding for files that are downloaded over http. It defaults to UTF-8 which should be fine in most cases.

Owner and group

These two setings define the file UID (user) and GID (group) used for the permission mask.

You can specify these in two ways. If you enter a number then that will be directly used as the UID or GID (without validation). If you specify a name then the UID or GID will be looked up in /etc/passwd or /etc/group.

Permission mask

This controls the unix permission mask for the file. If you enter a permission mask as 3 digits then it will be directly used in the chmod command. You can also replace one or more digits with a x if that field doesn’t matter to the definition. If a duplicate file definition exists for the same file and they both contain a permission mask then if everything aligns perfectly it will be merged.


Existing permissions:
Existing permissions:
Definition one:7xx
Definition two:xx0
Existing permissions:
Definition one:77x
Definition two:x55
Result:Syntax error