The Dummy Plugin

The DummyClass does not do anything. It is meant to be used to test the infrastructure.

Dummy -|> BasePlugin
Dummy o- HelpPage

Dummy(*args, **kwargs) A plugin to test the infrastructure (a no-op)[width]) Prints a help-string for the plugin
Dummy.sections An ordered dict for the help page
Dummy.product builds and returns a DummyClass
Dummy.fetch_config() prints a sample configuration

Dummy Configuration

This is how the configuration sub-section should appear.


This is a dummy that crashes when called. The config-file should specify which error to raise:

plugin = CrashTestDummy
error_message = I have Crashed
error_module = ape.infrastructure.errors
error = ApeError
function = __call__


This is a holder of constants for the CrashTestDummy.

class CrashTestDummyConstants(object):
    __slots__ = ()
    error_module_option = 'error_module'
    error_option = 'error'
    error_message_option = 'error_message'
    function_option = 'function'

    error_module_default = 'exceptions'
    error_default = 'Exception'
    error_message_default = 'My work is done, why wait?'
    function_default = '__call__'


The configuration specification for the Crash Test Dummy.

crash_configspec = """
plugin = option('CrashTestDummy')

error_module = string(default='exceptions')
error = string(default='Exception')
error_message = string(default='My work is done, why wait?')
function = string(default='__call__')


A class to handle the config_obj configuration.

BaseConfiguration <|-- CrashTestDummyConfiguration

CrashTestDummyConfiguration(*args, **kwargs) Translates the configobj configuration to a CrashTestDummy
CrashTestDummyConfiguration.configspec A configspec built from configspec_source for validation
CrashTestDummyConfiguration.configuration validates and sets the configuration using the source configuration
CrashTestDummyConfiguration.product A crash test dummy


CrashTestDummy(*args, **kwargs) A plugin to test the infrastructure by crashing

Stuck Dummy

The Configspec

The configuration specification for the StuckDummy.

stuck_dummy_configspec = """
plugin = option('StuckDummy)

__many__ = string

Stuck Dummy Configuration

BaseConfiguration <|-- StuckDummyConfiguration

StuckDummyConfiguration(*args, **kwargs) Configuration builder for the dummy that hangs
StuckDummyConfiguration.configspec A configspec built from configspec_source for validation
StuckDummyConfiguration.configuration validates and sets the configuration using the source configuration
StuckDummyConfiguration.product The HangingDummy callable object

Stuck Dummy

This is a dummy that hangs when called.

StuckDummy(*args, **kwargs) A plugin to test the infrastructure by hanging

The Dummy Products


DummyClass(*args, **kwargs) The Dummy Class does nothing
DummyClass.__call__(*args, **kwargs) Logs the fact that it was called


CrashDummy(error[, error_message, function]) A dummy that crashes
CrashDummy.__call__() Raises error if self.function is __call__ (this needs to be defined to work)


HangingDummy(*args, **kwargs) A dummy that hangs
HangingDummy.__call__(*args, **kwargs) Sleeps for three years in an infinite loop