Socket Storage

This is a module for classes that implement a file-like interface to a socket. Its main purpose is to catch socket timeout errors.

SocketStorage Model

Not all of the methods make sense (like open) so only a sub-set will be implemented. The assumption will be that a file-like object was created elsewhere and passed in to the constructor.

SocketStorage -|> BaseStorage
SocketStorage :  __init__(file)
SocketStorage : close()
SocketStorage : String read()
SocketStorage : String readline()
SocketStorage : List readlines()
SocketStorage : write(text)
SocketStorage : writeline(text)
SocketStorage : writelines(list)
SocketStorage : closed
SocketStorage : name
SocketStorage : __iter__()

SocketStorage API

SocketStorage(file_object) A class to store data to a file
SocketStorage.close() Closes self.file if it exists, sets self.closed to True
SocketStorage.write(text) write text to a file
SocketStorage.writeline(text) Adds newline to end of text and writes it to the file
SocketStorage.writelines(texts) write lines to a file (does not add newline character to end of lines)
SocketStorage.readline() Calls a single read-line returns ‘timed out’ if socket.timeout
SocketStorage.readlines() reads all the output and returns a list of lines reads all the output and returns as a single string
SocketStorage.__iter__() Traverses the file

Although the main reason for this class is to trap socket timeouts when reading lines, it will raise an ApeError when an attempt is made to read the entire buffer (i.e. read readlines) so that if it is really an error to have a timeout, these methods can be used instead. Generally, the main interface is assumed to be the __iter__ method, though, which will catch the timeouts forever, returning the socketstorage.TIMED_OUT string (copying python’s socket.timeout message-string).

Module Diagram

[Errno 2] No such file or directory Is pylint installed? .. image:: classes_socketstorage.png