The CSV Storage

Although python already has a csv-writer in order to make be able to drop it into the places where the regular file storage is expected I need to add an adapter around it.

# python standard library
import copy
import csv
from types import DictType

# the ape
from ape import BaseClass
from ape import ApeError

The CSVDictStorage


  • Maintains file (and file path)
  • Writes header to file before beginning data-writing
  • adds writerow method to the normal storage that takes a dictionary of ‘column’:’value’ pairs.


  • csv.DictWriter
  • Storage

CsvDictStorage Definition

The Constructor

The constructor accepts three parameters:

  • headers: a list of column headers (required for the DictWriter)
  • path: A string path to save files to (folder-level only, the open method takes the filename as an argument)
  • storage: A file-like writeable object

Either path or storage is required, if the storage isn’t given one will be created frome the path.

The open Method

This follows (more or less) the open method for the regular file-storage in that it returns a copy if itself but with the storage replaced with a copy that has the filename passed in as an argument and the writer attribute set to a csv.DictWriter.

The Path:

  1. Copy self
  2. Open file
  3. Create DictWriter with opened file and self.headers
  4. Write the headers
  5. Set copy of self’s storage to opened file
  6. Set copy of self’s writer to created DictWriter
  7. Return copy of self

The writerow Method

This is a pass-through to the DictWriter’s writerow method.

class CsvDictStorage(BaseClass):
    A storage that writes to csv files
    def __init__(self, headers,
                 path=None, storage=None):
        CsvDictStorage constructor


         - `path`: path to folder to store output-file in
         - `storage`: file-like object to use instead of creating one from 'path'
         - `headers`: list of column headers in order required
        :raises: ApeError if neither `path` nor `storage` given
        super(CsvDictStorage, self).__init__()
        self.path = path
        self.headers = headers
        self._storage = storage
        self._writer = None

        if not any((self.path, self._storage)):
            raise ApeError("Path or storage needed.")

    def storage(self):
        A file-storage created from the path (unless passed into constructor)

        :return: FileStorage
        if self._storage is None:
            self._storage =
        return self._storage

    def storage(self, new_storage):
        Sets the storage to what's passed in


         - `new_storage`: Storage instance to give the DictWriter
        self._storage = new_storage

    def writer(self):
        DictWriter instance (creates it if not set)

        :postcondition: if dictwriter created, header written to file
        :raise: ApeError if not set and storage not writeable
        if self._writer is None:
            if or not'w'):
                raise ApeError("FileStorage not open")
            self._writer = csv.DictWriter(,
            # assume this is a new file
        return self._writer

    def open(self, filename):
        Opens the filename as a DictWriter


         - `filename`: the name of the file to open

        :postcondition: header written to file
        :return: copy of self with open DictWriter as `writer`
        new_writer = copy.copy(self)
        open_file =
        # DictWriter doesn't like keyword arguments
        new_writer._writer = csv.DictWriter(open_file,
        return new_writer

    def writerow(self, rowdict):
        Writes the row to storage


         - `rowdict`: dict whose keys match the headers

        :raise: ApeError if keys don't match header or invalid data was passed in.
        except ValueError as error:
            raise ApeError("rowdict keys invalid")
        except TypeError as error:
            if type(rowdict) is not DictType:
                raise ApeError("rowdict not `header:data` dict  ({0})".format(rowdict))
            self.logger.error(("key in ({0}) not in header ({1}) "
                              "and non-string in data ({2})").format(rowdict.keys(),
            raise ApeError("rowdict keys and values invalid")

    def writerows(self, rowdicts):
        Writes each dictionary in rowdicts to the csv


         - `rowdicts`: iterable collection of dictionaries

        :raise: ApeError (see writerow)
        for rowdict in rowdicts:
CsvDictStorage(headers[, path, storage]) A storage that writes to csv files Opens the filename as a DictWriter
CsvDictStorage.writerow(rowdict) Writes the row to storage
CsvDictStorage.writerows(rowdicts) Writes each dictionary in rowdicts to the csv

BaseClass <|-- CsvDictStorage
CsvDictStorage : __init__(headers, [[path], storage])
CsvDictStorage: CsvDictStorage open(filename)
CsvDictStorage: writerow(rowdict)
CsvDictStorage: writerows(rowdicts)
CsvDictStorage: writeheader()