The Dummy Module

This is a module created for the inspect exploration.

This is the Dummy Module for the `inspect` exploration.

A Dummy Class

To get started a dummy class will be created that does nothing.

class DummyClass(object):
    This is a dummy class that inherits from `object`
    def __init__(self, a=None):
        The DummyClass Constructor


         - `a`: anything, this is a dummy
        self.a = a

    def a_tuple(self):
        Puts self.a in a tuple and returns it

        :return: (self.a, )
        return (self.a,)

    def convoluted(self, a, b=5, c='9', d=None):
        This is a method with a lot of args that do nothing
# end class DummyClass

Now Another Class

Since my goal is to use this to discover classes, I will add an inheriting class.

AnotherClass -|> DummyClass

class AnotherClass(DummyClass):
    A 'nother Class
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        AnotherClass constructor
        super(AnotherClass, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

A Plugin Example

I intend to use this to allow user-level components to be added to the ArachneApe, so there will probably be something like this.

class PluginBase(object):
    A base plugin
    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
    def help_string(self):

    def product(self):

    def config(self):

ConcretePlugin -|> PluginBase

class ConcretePlugin(PluginBase):
    A ConcretePlugin
    def __init__(self):
        super(ConcretePlugin, self).__init__()

    def help_string(self):
        Some kind of help string (maybe the help should be the docstring)
        return """
        Now is the winter of our disconcent.

    def product(self):
        This is where the built component should go
        return '0'

    def config(self):
        An example config snippet (does it need to be a property?)
        return """
        zero = 0