Exploring External Imports

The goal is to be able to import plugins that have been created in external packages so that there won’t be a need to put everything into the ape. This is an exploration of how that might work.

# python standard library
import importlib
import inspect

# ape
from ape.plugins.base_plugin import BasePlugin

Testing An Import

There is a folder structure below this one that looks like:


Since there’s no __init__.py in the fake_package folder, it should not be picked up as part of this package. The goal is to import the FakePlugin from this package.

module_name = 'fakepackage.fakeplugin'
module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
members = inspect.getmembers(module,
                             lambda o: inspect.isclass(o) and
                             o.__base__ is BasePlugin)
for member in members:
    name, definition = member
    print name
    d = definition()

#this is a fake plugin that creates a DummyClass instance
# anything put in this section will be logged
# but nothing will be done with it