User Defined Validation

A More Complete Settings Section

One of the things that differs about the ‘SETTINGS’ section in the ape is that I’m using ape-classes to create the time-objects (total_time and end_time).

settings_config = """
repetitions = 11
total_time = 3 days 2 Hours 12 minutes
end_time = 8:00 pm
external_modules = tuna.annealing
subfolder = output
timestamp = HH:MM

The original APE used the configuration map to get them.

ConfigurationMap.get_relativetime(section, ...) Gets a relativetime object based on the option (assumes value is timestamp) (see timemap.RelativeTime)
ConfigurationMap.get_datetime(section, option) Gets a datetime object based on the option (value is timestamp) (see timemap.AbsoluteTime)
RelativeTime([source]) A timedeltas extension
AbsoluteTime([default, ignoretz, tzinfos, ...]) A container for the dateutil.parser.parse

This means we have to tell the validator to use these classes.

section_spec = """
repetitions = integer(min=0, default=1)
total_time = relative_time(default=None)
end_time = absolute_time(default=None)
external_modules = string(default=None)
subfolder = string(default=None)
timestamp = string(default=YY:HH:MM:SS)

settings_configspec = ConfigObj(section_spec,

Now we add the constructors to the validator. The key-names have to match what’s in the spec and the values have to be the actual function definitions (in this case the class definitions). This could also be set by passing in a dictionary when the Validator was created.

validator = Validator()
validator.functions['relative_time'] = RelativeTime
validator.functions['absolute_time'] = AbsoluteTime()

Now we try and validate the configuration.

config = ConfigObj(settings_config,

Now the output.

Option Value Type
repetitions 11 <type ‘int’>
total_time 3 days 2 Hours 12 minutes <class ‘ape.infrastructure.timemap.RelativeTime’>
end_time 2014-11-18 20:00:00 <type ‘datetime.datetime’>
external_modules tuna.annealing <type ‘str’>
subfolder output <type ‘str’>
timestamp HH:MM <type ‘str’>