TheWatcher ========== This is a watcher for information. Whatever ``query`` passed into it has to match the list of ``fields``. .. _ape-thewatcher: TheWatcher Class ----------------- Role ~~~~ * Gets values from a query at timed-intervals * Sends values to storage * if threaded, runs in background Collaborators ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Query * Storage .. uml:: BaseThreadClass <|-- TheWatcher TheWatcher o- Query TheWatcher o- EventTimer TheWatcher o- Storage TheWatcher : query TheWatcher : fields .. currentmodule:: .. autosummary:: :toctree: api TheWatcher TheWatcher.header TheWatcher.__call__ TheWatcher.check_rep query ~~~~~ The ``query`` parameter should be a built query object (e.g. :ref:`IwconfigQuery `). The main interface runs threaded so the connection that it holds has to be thread-safe. fields ~~~~~~ The ``fields`` parameter should be a list of names that match the properties of the query object that should be checked for output. If you want the RSSI and bitrate from the ``IwconfigQuery``, for instance, you would pass in a list of ``['signal_level', 'bit_rate']`` for the fields. storage ~~~~~~~ Previously, the storage was always assumed to be a file-like object. To try and make it more flexible, I'm going to start assuming that it instead takes a dictonary and handles it (the behavior is assomed to match the ``csv.DictWriter``). .. '