The BaseStrategy ================ .. currentmodule:: ape.infrastructure.arguments.basestrategy Contents: * :ref:`Introduction ` * :ref:`Class Model ` * :ref:`Error Explanations ` * :ref:`UbootKommandant API ` .. _ape-interface-arguments-base-strategy: The BaseStrategy ---------------- This is a holder of sub-commands for the arguments. Its main purpose is to provide the QuarterMaster and Ape-plugin, since one or both is being used by various sub-commands. .. _ape-interface-arguments-basestrategy-class-model: Class Model ----------- .. uml:: BaseStrategy o- QuarterMaster BaseStrategy o- TheApe BaseStrategy --|> BaseClass .. _ape-interface-arguments-basestrategy-errors: The Errors ---------- There are two kinds of exceptions caught which produce two error-messages: .. csv-table:: Error Messages :header: Exception, Message, Meaning :delim: ; Exception; Oops, I Crapped My Pants; Something unexpected happened -- this indicates a problem with the code KeyboardInterrupt; Oh, I am slain; User killed the runtime for some reason -- clean-up and then close .. _ubootkommandant-api: The API ------- The decorator (:ref:`try_except `) around most of these methods is blocking the docstrings. Follow the links to the source code to see what they do. .. autosummary:: :toctree: api UbootKommandant UbootKommandant.handle_help UbootKommandant.fetch UbootKommandant.list_plugins UbootKommandant.check UbootKommandant.clean_up Supporting Code --------------- These are used within the UbootKommandant. * :ref:`The Base Class ` * :ref:`The try-except Decorator ` * :ref:`The crash_handler log_error function ` * :ref:`The QuarterMaster ` * :ref:`The Ape Plugin `