Creating Networks from Bibliographic Data ========================================= .. sidebar:: Ready to Proceed? Once you have collected_ your bibliographic data, you're ready to start building networks. Parsing Data ------------ Methods for parsing bibliographic data are contained in the :mod:`.readers` module. Tethne parses bibliographic data into a list of :class:`.Paper` objects that can then be used to generate networks. Many (but not all) of the networks that Tethne can generate require citation data. The current version of Tethne only supports citation data from the Web of Science, which can be parsed using the :mod:`.readers.wos` module. For example: .. code-block:: python >>> import tethne.readers as rd >>> papers ="/Path/to/savedrecs.txt") Tethne can also parse data from `JSTOR's Data-for-Research portal `_, using the :mod:`.readers.dfr` module. Those data can be merged with a WoS dataset (see :func:`.readers.merge`\), or used on their own to generate coauthor networks, with :func:`.networks.authors.coauthors`\. .. code-block:: python >>> import tethne.readers as rd >>> papers ="/Path/to/DfR") Creating Networks ----------------- There are many different network models that can be used to describe bibliographic data. These can be roughly divided into two categories: networks that describe relationships among documents, and networks that describe relationships among the authors of those documents. For specific methods, see :ref:`networks-of-documents` and :ref:`networks-of-authors`. .. _collected: tutorial.getting_data.html .. _parsed: tutorial.readers.html All network-building methods can be found in the :mod:`.networks` module. ``nt`` is the recommended namespace convention. .. code-block:: python >>> import tethne.networks as nt There are two main ways of using network-building methods: Generating a single network directly from a list of :class:`.Paper` objects ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` All methods in :mod:`tethne.networks` take lists of :class:`.Paper` as arguments. For example: .. code-block:: python >>> import tethne.readers as rd >>> papers ="/Path/to/savedrecs.txt") >>> import tethne.networks as nt >>> BC = nt.papers.bibliographic_coupling(papers, threshold=2) .. _generate-graphcollection: Generating a :class:`.GraphCollection` from a :class:`.DataCollection` `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` This is useful in cases where you want to evaluate the evolution of network structure over time, or compare networks generated using subsets of your data. To generate a time-variant :class:`.GraphCollection`\, slice your :class:`.DataCollection` using the ``date`` field. In the example below, data are sliced using a 4-year sliding time-window (for details about slicing, see :func:``\). .. code-block:: python >>> # Parse data. >>> import tethne.readers as rd >>> papers ="/Path/To/FirstDataSet.txt") >>> # Create a DataCollection, and slice it. >>> from import DataCollection, GraphCollection >>> D = DataCollection(papers) >>> D.slice('date', 'time_window', window_size=4) >>> # Build a GraphCollection using a network from tethne.networks. >>> from import authorCollectionBuilder >>> builder = authorCollectionBuilder(D) >>> C ='date', 'coauthors') ``C.keys()`` should now yield a list of publication dates in the original dataset. A :class:`.DataCollection` can be sliced using any ``int`` or ``str`` field in the :class:`.Paper` class. If you wish to compare networks generated from two WoS downloads, for example, you could slice using the ``accession`` id: >>> # Parse data. >>> import tethne.readers as rd >>> papers ="/Path/To/FirstDataSet.txt") >>> papers +="/Path/To/SecondDataSet.txt") >>> # Create a DataCollection, and slice it. >>> from import DataCollection, GraphCollection >>> D = DataCollection(papers) >>> D.slice('accession') >>> # Build a GraphCollection using a network from tethne.networks. >>> from import authorCollectionBuilder >>> builder = paperCollectionBuilder(D) >>> C ='date', 'cocitation', threshold=2) ``C.keys()`` should now yield two values, each an accession UUID. .. _networks-of-documents: Networks of Documents --------------------- Methods for building networks in which vertices represent documents are provided in the :mod:`.networks.papers` module. .. autosummary:: tethne.networks.papers.author_coupling tethne.networks.papers.bibliographic_coupling tethne.networks.papers.cocitation tethne.networks.papers.direct_citation .. _networks-of-authors: Networks of Authors ------------------- Methods for building networks in which vertices represent authors are provided in the :mod:`.networks.authors` module. .. autosummary:: tethne.networks.authors.author_cocitation tethne.networks.authors.author_coinstitution tethne.networks.authors.author_institution tethne.networks.authors.author_papers tethne.networks.authors.coauthors